pic_dump.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~pic_dump.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~pic_dump.f90 pic_dump.f90 sourcefile~grid_param.f90 grid_param.f90 sourcefile~pic_dump.f90->sourcefile~grid_param.f90 sourcefile~common_param.f90 common_param.f90 sourcefile~pic_dump.f90->sourcefile~common_param.f90 sourcefile~parallel.f90 parallel.F90 sourcefile~pic_dump.f90->sourcefile~parallel.f90 sourcefile~code_util.f90 code_util.f90 sourcefile~pic_dump.f90->sourcefile~code_util.f90 sourcefile~array_alloc.f90 array_alloc.f90 sourcefile~pic_dump.f90->sourcefile~array_alloc.f90 sourcefile~struct_def.f90 struct_def.f90 sourcefile~grid_param.f90->sourcefile~struct_def.f90 sourcefile~precision_def.f90 precision_def.F90 sourcefile~grid_param.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~common_param.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~parallel.f90->sourcefile~common_param.f90 sourcefile~util.f90 util.f90 sourcefile~parallel.f90->sourcefile~util.f90 sourcefile~mpi_var.f90 mpi_var.f90 sourcefile~parallel.f90->sourcefile~mpi_var.f90 sourcefile~code_util.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~fstruct_data.f90 fstruct_data.f90 sourcefile~array_alloc.f90->sourcefile~fstruct_data.f90 sourcefile~pstruct_data.f90 pstruct_data.f90 sourcefile~array_alloc.f90->sourcefile~pstruct_data.f90 sourcefile~struct_def.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~fstruct_data.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~pstruct_data.f90->sourcefile~struct_def.f90 sourcefile~pstruct_data.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~util.f90->sourcefile~code_util.f90 sourcefile~util.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~mpi_var.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~pic_dump.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~pic_dump.f90 pic_dump.f90 sourcefile~start_all.f90 start_all.F90 sourcefile~start_all.f90->sourcefile~pic_dump.f90 sourcefile~aladyn.f90 ALaDyn.F90 sourcefile~aladyn.f90->sourcefile~start_all.f90


Source Code

Source Code

!                            Copyright 2008-2020  The ALaDyn Collaboration                            !

!  This file is part of ALaDyn.                                                                       !
!                                                                                                     !
!  ALaDyn is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify                                     !
!  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by                               !
!  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or                                  !
!  (at your option) any later version.                                                                !
!                                                                                                     !
!  ALaDyn is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                                          !
!  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                                     !
!  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the                                      !
!  GNU General Public License for more details.                                                       !
!                                                                                                     !
!  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License                                  !
!  along with ALaDyn.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                                    !

 module pic_dump

  use array_alloc
  use code_util
  use common_param
  use grid_param
  use parallel

  implicit none

  real(dp), allocatable, private :: send_buff(:), recv_buff(:)

  subroutine dump_data(it_loc, tloc)
   integer, intent(in) :: it_loc
   real(dp), intent(in) :: tloc
   character(9) :: fname = '         '
   character(9) :: fname_yz = '         '
   character(9) :: fname_ebf = '         '
   character(9) :: fname_env = '         '
   character(9) :: fname_fl = '         '
   character(9) :: fname_part = '         '
   character(9) :: fname_bunchpart = '         '
   character(9) :: fname_bunch0 = '        '
   character(9) :: fname_bunch1 = '        '
   character(11) :: fnamel_part = '           '
   character(11) :: fnamel_bunchpart = '           '
   character(11) :: fnamel_bunch0 = '           '
   character(11) :: fnamel_bunch1 = '           '
   character(11) :: fnamel_ebf = '           '
   character(11) :: fnamel_env = '           '
   character(11) :: fnamel_fl = '           '
   character(11) :: foldername = '           '
   character(25) :: fname_out = '                         '
   character(27) :: fnamel_out = '                           '

   integer(offset_kind) :: disp_col, disp
   integer :: max_npt_size
   integer :: np, ic, lun, i, j, k, kk, ipe, lenbuff
   integer :: nxf_loc, nyf_loc, nzf_loc, ndv, ndvb
   integer :: npt_arr(npe, nsp), ip_loc(npe), ip_loc_bunch(npe)
   integer :: loc_grid_size(npe), loc2d_grid_size(npe), lenw(npe)
   integer :: grid_size_max, grid2d_size_max
   integer :: env_cp, env1_cp, fl_cp, ebf_cp
   real(dp) :: rdata(10)
   integer :: ndata(10)
   integer :: dist_npy(npe_yloc, nsp), dist_npz(npe_zloc, nsp)
   logical :: sd
   write (fname, '(a9)') 'Comm-data'
   write (fname_yz, '(a9)') 'Dist-wgyz'
   write (fname_ebf, '(a9)') 'EB-fields'
   write (fname_env, '(a9)') 'ENVfields'
   write (fname_fl, '(a9)') 'FL-fields'
   write (fname_part, '(a9)') 'Particles'
   write (fname_bunchpart, '(a9)') 'BunchPart'
   write (fname_bunch0, '(a9)') 'Bunch-EB0'
   write (fname_bunch1, '(a9)') 'Bunch-EB1'
   write (foldername, '(a11)') 'dumpRestart'
   !================field array sizes
   nxf_loc = size(ebf, 1)
   nyf_loc = size(ebf, 2)
   nzf_loc = size(ebf, 3)
   ebf_cp = size(ebf, 4)

   loc_grid_size(mype + 1) = nxf_loc*nyf_loc*nzf_loc !allowing for different grid sizes among mpi_tasks
   loc2d_grid_size(mype + 1) = nyf_loc*nzf_loc
   lenbuff = ebf_cp
   if (envelope) then
    env1_cp = 0
    env_cp = size(env, 4)
    if (Two_color) env1_cp = env_cp
    lenbuff = max(lenbuff, env_cp + env1_cp)
   end if
   grid2d_size_max = 0
   if (hybrid) then
    fl_cp = size(up, 4)
    lenbuff = max(lenbuff, 2*fl_cp)
    kk = loc2d_grid_size(mype + 1)
    call intvec_distribute(kk, loc2d_grid_size, npe)
    grid2d_size_max = maxval(loc2d_grid_size(1:npe))
   end if
   kk = loc_grid_size(mype + 1)
   call intvec_distribute(kk, loc_grid_size, npe)
   grid_size_max = maxval(loc_grid_size(1:npe))
   lenbuff = lenbuff*grid_size_max + grid2d_size_max
   ndv = nd2 + 1
   do i = 1, nsp
    kk = loc_npart(imody, imodz, imodx, i)
    call intvec_distribute(kk, ip_loc, npe)
    npt_arr(1:npe, i) = ip_loc(1:npe)
   end do
   do i = 1, npe
    ip_loc(i) = sum(npt_arr(i, 1:nsp))
   end do
   max_npt_size = ndv*maxval(ip_loc(1:npe))
   lenbuff = max(lenbuff, max_npt_size)
   dist_npy(:, :) = 0
   dist_npz(:, :) = 0
   dist_npy(imody + 1, 1:nsp) = loc_npty(1:nsp)
   dist_npz(imodz + 1, 1:nsp) = loc_nptz(1:nsp)
   if (.not. pe0y) then
    sd = .true.
    call exchange_rdata_int(loc_npty, sd, nsp, pe_min_y, 1, 100 + imody)
    sd = .false.
    do ipe = 1, npe_yloc - 1
     call exchange_rdata_int(loc_npty, sd, nsp, ipe, 1, 100 + ipe)
     dist_npy(ipe + 1, 1:nsp) = loc_npty(1:nsp)
    end do
   end if
   if (.not. pe0z) then
    sd = .true.
    call exchange_rdata_int(loc_nptz, sd, nsp, pe_min_z, 2, 100 + imodz)
    sd = .false.
    do ipe = 1, npe_zloc - 1
     call exchange_rdata_int(loc_nptz, sd, nsp, ipe, 2, 100 + ipe)
     dist_npz(ipe + 1, 1:nsp) = loc_nptz(1:nsp)
    end do
   end if
   ndata = 0
   rdata = 0.0
   rdata(1) = tloc
   rdata(2) = j0_norm
   rdata(3) = ompe
   rdata(4) = targ_in
   rdata(5) = targ_end
   rdata(6) = lp_in(1)
   rdata(7) = xp0_out
   rdata(8) = xp1_out
   rdata(9) = x(1)

   ndata(1) = it_loc
   ndata(2) = nxf_loc
   ndata(3) = nyf_loc
   ndata(4) = nzf_loc
   ndata(5) = nptx_max
   ndata(6) = size(x)
   ndata(7) = nxf
   ndata(8) = nd2
   lun = 10
   if (pe0) then
    open (lun, file='dumpRestart/'//fname//'.bin', form='unformatted', &
    write (lun) rdata(1:10)
    write (lun) ndata(1:10)
    write (lun) nptx(1:nsp) !the index of particles inside the box
    write (lun) sptx_max(1:nsp) !the max index inside the target
    if (targ_end > xmax) then
     do i = 1, nsp
      do j = 1, nptx_max
       write (lun) xpt(j, i), wghpt(j, i)
      end do
     end do
     if (hybrid) then
      if (nxf > 0) then
       write (lun) fluid_x_profile(1:nxf)
      end if
     end if
    end if
    write (lun) npt_arr(1:npe, 1:nsp)
    write (lun) dist_npy(1:npe_yloc, 1:nsp)
    write (lun) dist_npz(1:npe_zloc, 1:nsp)
    close (lun)
   end if !end pe0 write on fname
   if (pe0) write (6, *) 'End write Common data'
   allocate (send_buff(lenbuff)) !to be used for all mpi_write()
   if (max_npt_size > 0) then
    write (fnamel_part, '(a9,i2.2)') 'Particles', imodz
    fnamel_out = 'dumpRestart/'//fnamel_part//'.bin'
    lenw(1:npe) = ndv*ip_loc(1:npe)
    max_npt_size = maxval(lenw(1:npe))
    kk = 0
    do ic = 1, nsp
     np = loc_npart(imody, imodz, imodx, ic)
     if (np > 0) then
      do j = 1, ndv
       do i = 1, np
        kk = kk + 1
        send_buff(kk) = spec(ic)%part(i, j)
       end do
      end do
     end if
    end do
    disp_col = 0
    if (mod(mype, npe_yloc) > 0) disp_col = sum(lenw(imodz*npe_yloc + 1:mype) &
    disp_col = 8*disp_col
    call mpi_write_col_dp(send_buff, lenw(mype + 1), disp_col, 27, &
    if (pe0) write (6, *) 'Particles data dumped'

   write (fnamel_ebf, '(a9,i2.2)') 'EB-fields', imodz
   fnamel_out = 'dumpRestart/'//fnamel_ebf//'.bin'
   lenw(1:npe) = ebf_cp*loc_grid_size(1:npe)
   kk = 0
   do ic = 1, ebf_cp
    do k = 1, nzf_loc
     do j = 1, nyf_loc
      do i = 1, nxf_loc
       kk = kk + 1
       send_buff(kk) = ebf(i, j, k, ic)
      end do
     end do
    end do
   end do

   disp = lenw(1 + mype)
   disp_col = imody*disp
   disp_col = 8*disp_col
   call mpi_write_col_dp(send_buff, lenw(1 + mype), disp_col, 27, &
   if (pe0) write (6, *) 'Electromagnetic fields data dumped'

   if (envelope) then
    write (fnamel_env, '(a9,i2.2)') 'ENVfields', imodz
    fnamel_out = 'dumpRestart/'//fnamel_env//'.bin'
    lenw(1:npe) = (env_cp + env1_cp)*loc_grid_size(1:npe)
    kk = 0
    do ic = 1, env_cp
     do k = 1, nzf_loc
      do j = 1, nyf_loc
       do i = 1, nxf_loc
        kk = kk + 1
        send_buff(kk) = env(i, j, k, ic)
       end do
      end do
     end do
    end do
    if (Two_color) then
     do ic = 1, env1_cp
      do k = 1, nzf_loc
       do j = 1, nyf_loc
        do i = 1, nxf_loc
         kk = kk + 1
         send_buff(kk) = env1(i, j, k, ic)
        end do
       end do
      end do
     end do
    end if
    disp = lenw(1 + mype)
    disp_col = imody*disp
    disp_col = 8*disp_col
    call mpi_write_col_dp(send_buff, lenw(mype + 1), disp_col, 27, &
    if (pe0) write (6, *) 'Envelope field data dumped'
   end if

   if (hybrid) then
    write (fnamel_fl, '(a9,i2.2)') 'FL-fields', imodz
    fnamel_out = 'dumpRestart/'//fnamel_fl//'.bin'
    lenw(1:npe) = 2*fl_cp*loc_grid_size(1:npe) + loc2d_grid_size(1:npe)
    kk = 0
    do k = 1, nzf_loc
     do j = 1, nyf_loc
      kk = kk + 1
      send_buff(kk) = fluid_yz_profile(j, k)
     end do
    end do
    do ic = 1, fl_cp
     do k = 1, nzf_loc
      do j = 1, nyf_loc
       do i = 1, nxf_loc
        kk = kk + 1
        send_buff(kk) = up(i, j, k, ic)
       end do
      end do
     end do
    end do
    do ic = 1, fl_cp
     do k = 1, nzf_loc
      do j = 1, nyf_loc
       do i = 1, nxf_loc
        kk = kk + 1
        send_buff(kk) = up0(i, j, k, ic)
       end do
      end do
     end do
    end do
    disp = lenw(1 + mype)
    disp_col = imody*disp
    disp_col = 8*disp_col
    call mpi_write_col_dp(send_buff, lenw(1 + mype), disp_col, 27, &
    if (pe0) write (6, *) 'Fluid density and momentum data dumped'
   end if

   !============== write (y,z,wghyz initial part distribution
   if (part) then
    fname_out = 'dumpRestart/'//fname_yz//'.bin'
    kk = 0
    do ic = 1, nsp
     if (loc_npty(ic) > 0) then
      do i = 1, loc_npty(ic)
       kk = kk + 1
       send_buff(kk) = loc_ypt(i, ic)
      end do
     end if
    end do
    do ic = 1, nsp
     if (loc_nptz(ic) > 0) then
      do j = 1, loc_nptz(ic)
       kk = kk + 1
       send_buff(kk) = loc_zpt(j, ic)
      end do
     end if
    end do
    do ic = 1, nsp
     if (loc_nptz(ic) > 0) then
      do j = 1, loc_nptz(ic)
       if (loc_npty(ic) > 0) then
        do i = 1, loc_npty(ic)
         kk = kk + 1
         send_buff(kk) = loc_wghyz(i, j, ic)
        end do
       end if
      end do
     end if
    end do
    call intvec_distribute(kk, lenw, npe)
    disp = 0
    if (mype > 0) disp = sum(lenw(1:mype))
    disp = 8*disp
    call mpi_write_dp(send_buff, lenw(mype + 1), disp, 25, fname_out)
    if (pe0) write (6, *) &
     'Incoming plasma target transverse distribution data dumped'
   end if
   deallocate (send_buff)
   unix_time_last_dump = unix_time_now
   if (pe0) write (6, *) 'END TOTAL DUMP WRITE'
  end subroutine
  subroutine restart(it_loc, tloc)
   integer, intent(out) :: it_loc
   real(dp), intent(out) :: tloc
   character(9) :: fname = '         '
   character(9) :: fname_yz = '         '
   character(9) :: fname_ebf = '         '
   character(9) :: fname_env = '         '
   character(9) :: fname_fl = '         '
   character(9) :: fname_part = '         '
   character(9) :: fname_bunch0 = '        '
   character(9) :: fname_bunch1 = '        '
   character(9) :: fname_bunchpart = '         '
   character(11) :: fnamel_part = '           '
   character(11) :: fnamel_bunch0 = '           '
   character(11) :: fnamel_bunch1 = '           '
   character(11) :: fnamel_bunchpart = '           '
   character(11) :: fnamel_ebf = '           '
   character(11) :: fnamel_env = '           '
   character(11) :: fnamel_fl = '           '
   character(11) :: foldername = '           '
   character(25) :: fname_out = '                         '
   character(27) :: fnamel_out = '                           '
   integer(offset_kind) :: disp_col, disp
   integer :: max_npt_size, ipe, npt_arr(npe, nsp)
   integer :: k1, ndv, np, ic, lun, i, j, k, kk, lenw(npe), lenbuff, &
              k2, k3
   integer :: ip_loc(npe), loc_grid_size(npe), loc2d_grid_size(npe)
   integer :: grid_size_max, grid2d_size_max
   integer :: env_cp, env1_cp, fl_cp, ebf_cp
   integer :: ndata(10), nps_loc(4), n1_old
   integer :: n1_loc, n2_loc, n3_loc, nypt_max, nzpt_max
   integer :: dist_npy(npe_yloc, nsp), dist_npz(npe_zloc, nsp)
   real(dp) :: rdata(10), x0_new
   logical :: sd

   write (fname, '(a9)') 'Comm-data'
   write (fname_ebf, '(a9)') 'EB-fields'
   write (fname_env, '(a9)') 'ENVfields'
   write (fname_fl, '(a9)') 'FL-fields'
   write (fname_part, '(a9)') 'Particles'
   write (fname_bunch0, '(a9)') 'Bunch-EB0'
   write (fname_bunch1, '(a9)') 'Bunch-EB1'
   write (fname_bunchpart, '(a9)') 'BunchPart'
   write (foldername, '(a11)') 'dumpRestart'
   write (fname_yz, '(a9)') 'Dist-wgyz'
   !==============       Already defined data
   n1_loc = size(ebf, 1)
   n2_loc = size(ebf, 2)
   n3_loc = size(ebf, 3)
   ebf_cp = size(ebf, 4)
   loc_grid_size(mype + 1) = n1_loc*n2_loc*n3_loc
   loc2d_grid_size(mype + 1) = n2_loc*n3_loc
   lenbuff = ebf_cp
   if (envelope) then
    env1_cp = 0
    env_cp = size(env, 4)
    if (Two_color) env1_cp = size(env1, 4)
    lenbuff = max(lenbuff, env_cp + env1_cp)
   end if
   grid2d_size_max = 0
   if (hybrid) then
    fl_cp = size(up, 4)
    lenbuff = max(lenbuff, 2*fl_cp)
    kk = loc2d_grid_size(mype + 1)
    call intvec_distribute(kk, loc2d_grid_size, npe)
    grid2d_size_max = maxval(loc2d_grid_size(1:npe))
   end if
   kk = loc_grid_size(mype + 1)
   call intvec_distribute(kk, loc_grid_size, npe)
   grid_size_max = maxval(loc_grid_size(1:npe))
   lenbuff = lenbuff*grid_size_max + grid2d_size_max
   if (pe0) write (6, *) 'Max size of recieve buffer', lenbuff
   lun = 10
   if (pe0) then
    open (lun, file='dumpRestart/'//fname//'.bin', form='unformatted', &

    read (lun) rdata(1:10)
    read (lun) ndata(1:10)
    read (lun) nptx(1:nsp)
    read (lun) sptx_max(1:nsp)
    it_loc = ndata(1)
    nptx_max = ndata(5)
    n1_old = ndata(6)
    nxf = ndata(7)
    ndv = ndata(8) + 1
    tloc = rdata(1)
    targ_in = rdata(4)
    targ_end = rdata(5)
    lp_in(1) = rdata(6)
    x0_new = rdata(9)
    if (targ_end > xmax + x0_new) then
     allocate (xpt(nptx_max, nsp))
     allocate (wghpt(nptx_max, nsp))
     do i = 1, nsp
      do j = 1, nptx_max
       read (lun) xpt(j, i), wghpt(j, i)
      end do
     end do
     if (hybrid) then
      if (nxf > 0) then
       allocate (fluid_x_profile(nxf))
       read (lun) fluid_x_profile(1:nxf)
      end if
     end if
    end if
!==================== dumped by pe0 even if no particles are present
    read (lun) npt_arr(1:npe, 1:nsp)
    read (lun) dist_npy(1:npe_yloc, 1:nsp)
    read (lun) dist_npz(1:npe_zloc, 1:nsp)
    close (lun)
   end if !end pe0 read on fname
   !========================= distribute comm data
   kk = size(rdata)
   k1 = size(ndata)
   k2 = size(nptx)
   k3 = size(sptx_max)
   call vint_bcast(ndata, k1)
   call vint_bcast(nptx, k2)
   call vint_bcast(sptx_max, k3)
   call real_bcast(rdata, kk)
   it_loc = ndata(1)
   nptx_max = ndata(5)
   n1_old = ndata(6)
   nxf = ndata(7)
   ndv = ndata(8) + 1
   tloc = rdata(1)
   targ_in = rdata(4)
   targ_end = rdata(5)
   lp_in(1) = rdata(6)
   x0_new = rdata(9)
   if (x0_new > 0.0) then
    x = x + x0_new
    xh = xh + x0_new
    xmin = xmin + x0_new
    xmax = xmax + x0_new
    loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmin = loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmin + x0_new
    loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmax = loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmax + x0_new
    xp0_out = xp0_out + x0_new
    xp1_out = xp1_out + x0_new
    xmn = loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmin
   end if
   if (targ_end > xmax) then
    if (mype > 0) then
     allocate (xpt(nptx_max, nsp))
     allocate (wghpt(nptx_max, nsp))
     if (hybrid) then
      if (nxf > 0) allocate (fluid_x_profile(nxf))
     end if
    end if
    if (pe0) then
     sd = .true.
     do ipe = 1, npe - 1
      call exchange_2d_grdata(sd, xpt, nptx_max, nsp, ipe, ipe + 100)
      call exchange_2d_grdata(sd, wghpt, nptx_max, nsp, ipe, ipe + 400)
     end do
     sd = .false.
     call exchange_2d_grdata(sd, xpt, nptx_max, nsp, pe_min, mype + 100)
     call exchange_2d_grdata(sd, wghpt, nptx_max, nsp, pe_min, mype + 400)
    if (hybrid) then
     if (nxf > 0) then
      if (pe0) then
       sd = .true.
       do ipe = 1, npe - 1
        call exchange_1d_grdata(sd, fluid_x_profile, nxf, ipe, ipe + 10)
       end do
       sd = .false.
       call exchange_1d_grdata(sd, fluid_x_profile, nxf, pe_min, mype + 10)
     end if
    end if
   end if
   !Pe0 distributes npart => npt(npe,nsp)
   call vint_2d_bcast(npt_arr, npe, nsp)
   do i = 1, npe
    ip_loc(i) = sum(npt_arr(i, 1:nsp))
   end do
   max_npt_size = ndv*maxval(ip_loc(1:npe))
   lenbuff = max(lenbuff, max_npt_size)
   ipe = 0
   do i = 0, npe_xloc - 1
    do j = 0, npe_zloc - 1
     do k = 0, npe_yloc - 1
      loc_npart(k, j, i, 1:nsp) = npt_arr(ipe + 1, 1:nsp)
      ipe = ipe + 1
     end do
    end do
   end do
   !========== distributes npty,nptz initial particle distribution
   call vint_2d_bcast(dist_npy, npe_yloc, nsp)
   call vint_2d_bcast(dist_npz, npe_zloc, nsp)
   loc_npty(1:nsp) = dist_npy(imody + 1, 1:nsp)
   loc_nptz(1:nsp) = dist_npz(imodz + 1, 1:nsp)
   nypt_max = maxval(loc_npty(1:nsp))
   nzpt_max = maxval(loc_nptz(1:nsp))
   allocate (loc_ypt(nypt_max, nsp))
   allocate (loc_zpt(nzpt_max, nsp))
   allocate (loc_wghyz(nypt_max, nzpt_max, nsp))
   ! x() defined on the grid module starting from x(1)=0.0
   !---------- Particle read
   allocate (recv_buff(lenbuff))
   recv_buff(:) = 0.0
   if (hybrid) then
    write (fnamel_fl, '(a9,i2.2)') 'FL-fields', imodz
    fnamel_out = 'dumpRestart/'//fnamel_fl//'.bin'
    lenw(1:npe) = 2*fl_cp*loc_grid_size(1:npe) + loc2d_grid_size(1:npe)
    disp = lenw(1 + mype)
    disp_col = imody*disp
    disp_col = 8*disp_col
    call mpi_read_col_dp(recv_buff, lenw(1 + mype), disp_col, 27, &
    kk = 0
    do k = 1, n3_loc
     do j = 1, n2_loc
      kk = kk + 1
      fluid_yz_profile(j, k) = recv_buff(kk)
     end do
    end do
    do ic = 1, fl_cp
     do k = 1, n3_loc
      do j = 1, n2_loc
       do i = 1, n1_loc
        kk = kk + 1
        up(i, j, k, ic) = recv_buff(kk)
       end do
      end do
     end do
    end do
    do ic = 1, fl_cp
     do k = 1, n3_loc
      do j = 1, n2_loc
       do i = 1, n1_loc
        kk = kk + 1
        up0(i, j, k, ic) = recv_buff(kk)
       end do
      end do
     end do
    end do
    if (pe0) write (6, *) 'Fluid density and momentum data read'
   end if

   if (envelope) then
    write (fnamel_env, '(a9,i2.2)') 'ENVfields', imodz
    fnamel_out = 'dumpRestart/'//fnamel_env//'.bin'
    lenw(1:npe) = (env_cp + env1_cp)*loc_grid_size(1:npe)
    disp = lenw(1 + mype)
    disp_col = imody*disp
    disp_col = 8*disp_col
    call mpi_read_col_dp(recv_buff, lenw(1 + mype), disp_col, 27, &
    kk = 0
    do ic = 1, env_cp
     do k = 1, n3_loc
      do j = 1, n2_loc
       do i = 1, n1_loc
        kk = kk + 1
        env(i, j, k, ic) = recv_buff(kk)
       end do
      end do
     end do
    end do
    if (Two_color) then
     do ic = 1, env1_cp
      do k = 1, n3_loc
       do j = 1, n2_loc
        do i = 1, n1_loc
         kk = kk + 1
         env1(i, j, k, ic) = recv_buff(kk)
        end do
       end do
      end do
     end do
    end if
    if (pe0) write (6, *) 'Envelope field data read'
   end if

   write (fnamel_ebf, '(a9,i2.2)') 'EB-fields', imodz
   fnamel_out = 'dumpRestart/'//fnamel_ebf//'.bin'
   lenw(1:npe) = ebf_cp*loc_grid_size(1:npe)
   disp = lenw(1 + mype)
   disp_col = imody*disp
   disp_col = 8*disp_col

   call mpi_read_col_dp(recv_buff, lenw(1 + mype), disp_col, 27, &
   kk = 0
   do ic = 1, ebf_cp
    do k = 1, n3_loc
     do j = 1, n2_loc
      do i = 1, n1_loc
       kk = kk + 1
       ebf(i, j, k, ic) = recv_buff(kk)
      end do
     end do
    end do
   end do
   if (pe0) write (6, *) 'Electromagnetic fields data read'

   do i = 1, nsp
    nps_loc(i) = maxval(npt_arr(1:npe, i))
   end do
   np_max = maxval(nps_loc(1:nsp))
   if (np_max > 0) then                    !READS particles (if any)
    write (fnamel_part, '(a9,i2.2)') 'Particles', imodz
    fnamel_out = 'dumpRestart/'//fnamel_part//'.bin'
    call p_alloc(np_max, ndv, nps_loc, nsp, lpf_ord, 1, 1, mem_psize)
    lenw(1:npe) = ndv*ip_loc(1:npe)
    disp_col = 0
    if (mod(mype, npe_yloc) > 0) disp_col = sum(lenw(imodz*npe_yloc + 1:mype) &
    disp_col = 8*disp_col
    call mpi_read_col_dp(recv_buff, lenw(1 + mype), disp_col, 27, &
    kk = 0
    do ic = 1, nsp
     np = loc_npart(imody, imodz, imodx, ic)
     if (np > 0) then
      do j = 1, ndv
       do i = 1, np
        kk = kk + 1
        spec(ic)%part(i, j) = recv_buff(kk)
       end do
      end do
     end if
    end do
   end if
   fname_out = 'dumpRestart/'//fname_yz//'.bin'
   kk = 0
   do ic = 1, nsp
    if (loc_npty(ic) > 0) then
     do i = 1, loc_npty(ic)
      kk = kk + 1
     end do
    end if
   end do
   do ic = 1, nsp
    if (loc_nptz(ic) > 0) then
     do j = 1, loc_nptz(ic)
      kk = kk + 1
     end do
    end if
   end do
   do ic = 1, nsp
    if (loc_nptz(ic) > 0) then
     do j = 1, loc_nptz(ic)
      if (loc_npty(ic) > 0) then
       do i = 1, loc_npty(ic)
        kk = kk + 1
       end do
      end if
     end do
    end if
   end do
   call intvec_distribute(kk, lenw, npe)
   np_max = maxval(lenw(1:npe))
   if (np_max > 0) then

    disp = 0
    if (mype > 0) disp = sum(lenw(1:mype))
    disp = 8*disp
    call mpi_read_dp(recv_buff, lenw(mype + 1), disp, 25, fname_out)
    kk = 0
    do ic = 1, nsp
     do i = 1, loc_npty(ic)
      kk = kk + 1
      loc_ypt(i, ic) = recv_buff(kk)
     end do
    end do
    do ic = 1, nsp
     do j = 1, loc_nptz(ic)
      kk = kk + 1
      loc_zpt(j, ic) = recv_buff(kk)
     end do
    end do
    do ic = 1, nsp
     do j = 1, loc_nptz(ic)
      do i = 1, loc_npty(ic)
       kk = kk + 1
       loc_wghyz(i, j, ic) = recv_buff(kk)
      end do
     end do
    end do
   end if !end of part read
   if (pe0) write (6, *) 'Particles data read'
   deallocate (recv_buff)
   if (pe0) write (6, *) 'END TOTAL DUMP READ'
  end subroutine
 end module