run_data_info.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~run_data_info.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~run_data_info.f90 run_data_info.f90 sourcefile~ionz_data.f90 ionz_data.f90 sourcefile~run_data_info.f90->sourcefile~ionz_data.f90 sourcefile~grid_param.f90 grid_param.f90 sourcefile~run_data_info.f90->sourcefile~grid_param.f90 sourcefile~common_param.f90 common_param.f90 sourcefile~run_data_info.f90->sourcefile~common_param.f90 sourcefile~parallel.f90 parallel.F90 sourcefile~run_data_info.f90->sourcefile~parallel.f90 sourcefile~fstruct_data.f90 fstruct_data.f90 sourcefile~run_data_info.f90->sourcefile~fstruct_data.f90 sourcefile~pstruct_data.f90 pstruct_data.f90 sourcefile~run_data_info.f90->sourcefile~pstruct_data.f90 sourcefile~phys_param.f90 phys_param.f90 sourcefile~run_data_info.f90->sourcefile~phys_param.f90 sourcefile~code_util.f90 code_util.f90 sourcefile~run_data_info.f90->sourcefile~code_util.f90 sourcefile~control_bunch_input.f90 control_bunch_input.f90 sourcefile~run_data_info.f90->sourcefile~control_bunch_input.f90 sourcefile~precision_def.f90 precision_def.F90 sourcefile~ionz_data.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~grid_param.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~struct_def.f90 struct_def.f90 sourcefile~grid_param.f90->sourcefile~struct_def.f90 sourcefile~common_param.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~parallel.f90->sourcefile~common_param.f90 sourcefile~mpi_var.f90 mpi_var.f90 sourcefile~parallel.f90->sourcefile~mpi_var.f90 sourcefile~util.f90 util.f90 sourcefile~parallel.f90->sourcefile~util.f90 sourcefile~fstruct_data.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~pstruct_data.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~pstruct_data.f90->sourcefile~struct_def.f90 sourcefile~phys_param.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~code_util.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~control_bunch_input.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~mpi_var.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~struct_def.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~util.f90->sourcefile~code_util.f90 sourcefile~util.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~run_data_info.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~run_data_info.f90 run_data_info.f90 sourcefile~window.f90 window.f90 sourcefile~window.f90->sourcefile~run_data_info.f90 sourcefile~aladyn.f90 ALaDyn.F90 sourcefile~aladyn.f90->sourcefile~run_data_info.f90 sourcefile~start_all.f90 start_all.F90 sourcefile~aladyn.f90->sourcefile~start_all.f90 sourcefile~pic_evolve_in_time.f90 pic_evolve_in_time.f90 sourcefile~aladyn.f90->sourcefile~pic_evolve_in_time.f90 sourcefile~env_evolve_in_time.f90 env_evolve_in_time.f90 sourcefile~aladyn.f90->sourcefile~env_evolve_in_time.f90 sourcefile~start_all.f90->sourcefile~run_data_info.f90 sourcefile~pic_evolve_in_time.f90->sourcefile~window.f90 sourcefile~env_evolve_in_time.f90->sourcefile~window.f90


Source Code

Source Code

!                            Copyright 2008-2020  The ALaDyn Collaboration                            !

!  This file is part of ALaDyn.                                                                       !
!                                                                                                     !
!  ALaDyn is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify                                     !
!  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by                               !
!  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or                                  !
!  (at your option) any later version.                                                                !
!                                                                                                     !
!  ALaDyn is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                                          !
!  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                                     !
!  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the                                      !
!  GNU General Public License for more details.                                                       !
!                                                                                                     !
!  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License                                  !
!  along with ALaDyn.  If not, see <>.                                    !

 module run_data_info

  use pstruct_data
  use fstruct_data
  use code_util
  use common_param
  use grid_param
  use ionz_data
  use parallel
  use control_bunch_input, only: reduced_charge, bunch_charge, epsy, &
                                 epsz, sxb, syb, gam, rhob, jb_norm
  use phys_param, only: electron_charge_norm
  implicit none


  subroutine timing

   if (mod(iter, write_every) == 0) then
    mem_psize_max = 0.0
    if (prl) then
     call Part_numbers
     call Max_pmemory_check()
    end if
    if (pe0) then
     call tot_num_part
     write (6, '(a10,i6,a10,e11.4,a10,e11.4)') 'iter = ', iter, ' t = ', &
      tnow, ' dt = ', dt_loc
     call CPU_TIME(unix_time_now)
     write (6, '(a16,f12.3,a10,i15)') ' Time elapsed = ', &
      unix_time_now - unix_time_begin, ', nptot = ', nptot_global
     if (prl) then
      if (part) then
       write (6, '(a21,i10,a1,i10)') ' part min/max distr. ', np_min, &
        ' ', np_max
       write (6, '(a18,2i8)') ' where pmin/pmax  ', pe_npmin, pe_npmax
      write (6, '(a24,e12.5)') ' max part memory in MB= ', &
      write (6, '(a20,e12.5)') ' Max part  address= ', mem_max_addr
     end if
     write (6, '(a13,2E11.4)') ' xmin/xmax   ', xmin, xmax
     write (6, *) '========================'
    end if !end Pe0 write
   end if  !end mod(write_every)

   if (tnow < tmax) then
    tnow = tnow + dt_loc
    iter = iter + 1
   end if
  end subroutine


  subroutine error_message
   if (pe0) then
    if (ier > 0) write (6, *) 'error occurred: '
    if (ier == 20) write (6, *) 'error: negative density: ', ier
    if (ier == 1) write (6, *) 'error: fields values too big: ', ier
   end if
  end subroutine
  subroutine Part_numbers
   integer :: ip, iz, ix, pp, ic, np_new, nploc(npe)

   do ic = 1, nsp
    nploc(:) = 0
    np_new = loc_npart(imody, imodz, imodx, ic)
    call intvec_distribute(np_new, nploc, npe)
    pp = 0
    !loc_npart() distribution on each MPI task
    do ix = 0, npe_xloc - 1
     do iz = 0, npe_zloc - 1
      do ip = 0, npe_yloc - 1
       pp = pp + 1
       loc_npart(ip, iz, ix, ic) = nploc(pp)
      end do
     end do
    end do
   end do
   np_max = maxval(nploc(1:npe))
   np_min = minval(nploc(1:npe))
   if (.not. part) then
    if (np_max > 0) part = .true.
   do ip = 0, npe - 1
    if (nploc(ip + 1) == np_min) pe_npmin = ip
    if (nploc(ip + 1) == np_max) pe_npmax = ip
   end do
  end subroutine

  subroutine tot_num_part

   integer(dp) :: nptot_local
   integer :: iterator_x, iterator_y, iterator_z
   integer :: iterator_species

   nptot_global = 0

   !! WARNING: allreduce_big_int is unsupported on many architectures: MPI_SUM not available for MPI_LONG_INT datatype
   !do iterator_species=1,nsp_run
   ! nptot_local = loc_npart(imody, imodz, imodx, nsp_run)
   !end do
   !call allreduce_big_int(nptot_local, nptot_global)

   if (pe0) then
    do iterator_y = 0, npe_yloc - 1
     do iterator_z = 0, npe_zloc - 1
      do iterator_x = 0, npe_xloc - 1
       do iterator_species = 1, nsp_run !nsp_run is the real number of species running!
        nptot_local = int(loc_npart(iterator_y, iterator_z, iterator_x, &
                                    iterator_species), dp_int)
        nptot_global = nptot_global + nptot_local
       end do
      end do
     end do
    end do
   end if
  end subroutine

  subroutine initial_run_info(nw)
   integer, intent(in) :: nw
   integer :: i
   character(len=21) :: output_data_in
   integer(hp_int) :: chsize
   real(sp) :: wgsize

   write (output_data_in, '(a15,i2.2,a4)') 'init_data_info_', id_new, &

   write (6, *) '***********************************************'
   write (6, *) 'Start: new = ', nw
   if (nw == 0) then
    write (6, '(a18,3i8)') '  total grid size ', nx, ny, nz
    write (6, '(a18,3i8)') '  local grid size ', nx_loc, ny_loc, nz_loc
    write (6, '(a27,i3)') '  Cartesian grid dimension ', ndim
   end if
   if (nw == 1) then
    write (6, '(a13,e11.4)') ' restart time', tstart
    write (6, *) ' diag ienout', ienout
   end if
   !write(6,*)' kind of dp and int data',kind(tstart),kind(nx)

   open (60, file=output_data_in)
   write (60, *) ' data bsize'
   write (60, *) huge(chsize), huge(wgsize)
   if (nw == 0) then
    write (60, *) '********** INITIAL DATA INFO************* '
    write (60, *) '*********  RESTART DATA INFO*************'
   end if
   write (60, '(a12,f6.2)') '  Start time=', tstart
   write (60, '(a20,i4,a4)') '  ALaDyn running on ', npe, ' cpu'
   write (60, '(a30,3i4)') '  (x-y-z) MPI decomposition : ', npe_xloc, &
    npe_yloc, npe_zloc
   write (60, '(a26,i4)') '  Data output initial id= ', id_new

   write (60, *) '*************IMPLEMENTATION TOOLS********************'
   write (60, *) '  Field collocation on the Yee-module staggered grid'
   write (60, *) '  B-spline shapes of alternating first-second order '
   if (lpf_ord > 0) then
    if (lpf_ord == 2) write (60, *) &
     '  One-step leap-frog time integration '
    if (der_ord == 2) write (60, *) &
     '  Explicit second order space derivative '
    if (der_ord == 3) write (60, *) &
     '  Optmal Explicit second order space derivative'
    if (der_ord == 4) write (60, *) &
     '  Fourth-order Maxwell solver only for (E,B) fields'
    if (lpf_ord > 2) then
     write (60, *) '  RK multi-step fourth order time scheme '
     write (60, *) '  Explicit fourth order Space Derivative'
    end if
   end if
   if (charge_cons) then
    if (iform < 2) then
     write (60, *) '  Continuity equation enforced by Esirkepov scheme'
     write (60, *) ' Continuity equation enforced on x-grid &
       &using non-conservative schemes'
    end if
   end if
   write (60, *) '***************GRID**********************'
   write (60, '(a18,3i8)') '  total grid size ', nx, ny, nz
   write (60, '(a18,3i8)') '  local grid size ', nx_loc, ny_loc, nz_loc
   write (60, '(a27,i3)') '  Cartesian grid dimension ', ndim
   if (curr_ndim == 2) then
    write (60, *) ' Current components: [Jx,Jy] '
    write (60, *) ' Field components: [Ex,Ey,Bz] '
    write (60, *) ' Current components: [Jx,Jy,Jz] '
    write (60, *) ' Field components: [Ex,Ey,Ez,Bx,By,Bz] '
   end if
   write (60, *) '   Box sizes'
   write (60, *) '     xmin,      xmax     '
   write (60, '(a1,2e11.4)') ' ', xmin, xmax
   if (ndim > 1) then
    write (60, *) '    ymin       ymax     '
    write (60, '(a1,2e11.4)') ' ', ymin, ymax
    if (ndim > 2) then
     write (60, *) '    zmin       zmax     '
     write (60, '(a1,2e11.4)') ' ', zmin, zmax
    end if
   end if
   write (60, *) '   Cell sizes'
   if (ndim < 3) then
    write (60, '(a6,e11.4,a6,e11.4)') '  Dx =', dx, '  Dy =', dy
    write (60, '(a6,e11.4,a6,e11.4,a6,e11.4)') '  Dx =', dx, '  Dy =', &
     dy, '  Dz =', dz
   end if
   if (stretch) then
    write (60, *) &
     ' Grid is stretched on the transverse coordinates: y=tan(a*xi)'
    write (60, '(a28,f8.2,a8,f8.2)') '  Y grid is uniform from y =', &
     str_ygrid%smin, ' to y = ', str_ygrid%smax
    write (60, '(a34, i4)') '  Number of stretched cells n_y = ', ny_stretch
    write (60, '(a28,f8.2,a8,f8.2)') '  Z grid is uniform from z =', &
     str_zgrid%smin, ' to z = ', str_zgrid%smax
    write (60, '(a34, i4)') '  Number of stretched cells n_z = ', nz_stretch
   end if
   write (60, *) '***************PHYSICAL MODEL**********************'
   if (model_id < 4) then
    write (60, *) '  Laser field injected '
    if (model_id == 1) write (60, *) '  P-polarization on y-axis'
    if (model_id == 2) write (60, *) '  S-polarization on z-axis'
    if (model_id == 3) write (60, *) &
     '  Circular polarization on y-z plane'
    write (60, *) &
     '***************** Laser pulse structure***************'
    if (model_id == 0) then
     write (60, *) '  A plane wave model'
     write (60, *) &
      '  Gaussian profile exp(-[r/w0_y]^2) on radial coordinate'
    end if
    if (g_prof) then
     write (60, *) '  Gaussian profile exp(-[(x-t)/w0_x]^2) &
       &on longitudinal (x-t) coordinate'
     write (60, *) &
      '  Cos^2[Pi(x-t)/w0_x] profile on longitudinal (x-t) coordinate'
    end if
    select case (model_id)
    case (4)
     write (60, *) '  LP(P-pol) laser field injected using &
       &ENVELOPE integration model'
    case (5)
     write (60, *) '  Electron bunch injected'
    end select
   end if
   write (60, *) &
    '***********FIELD BOUNDARY CONDITIONS*************************'
   if (ibx == 0) write (60, *) ' Open boundaries on x axis'
   if (ibx == 1) write (60, *) ' Reflecting boundary on right x '
   if (ibx == 2) write (60, *) ' Periodic boundaries on x axis'
   if (ibx > 2) write (60, *) ' Invalid x-boundary flag'
   if (ndim > 1) then
    if (iby == 0) write (60, *) ' Open boundaries on y axis'
    if (iby == 1) write (60, *) ' Reflecting boundaries on y axis'
    if (iby == 2) write (60, *) ' Periodic boundaries on y axis'
    if (iby > 2) write (60, *) ' Invalid y-boundary flag'
   end if
   if (ndim > 2) then
    if (ibz == 0) write (60, *) ' Open boundaries on z axis'
    if (ibz == 1) write (60, *) ' Reflecting boundaries on z axis'
    if (ibz == 2) write (60, *) ' Periodic boundaries on z axis'
    if (ibz > 2) write (60, *) ' Invalid z-boundary flag'
   end if
   if (w_speed > 0.0) then
    write (60, '(a23,f5.2)') '  Moving window speed= ', w_speed
   end if
   if (w_speed < 0.0) then
    write (60, '(a35,f5.2)') '  Comoving x-coordinate system V_b=', &
   end if
   if (model_id < 5) then
    write (60, *) '******LASER PHYSICAL PARAMETERS *****************'
    write (60, *) '     Main pulse parameters '
    write (60, *) ' Transverse scales'
    write (60, '(a8,f6.2,a18,f6.2)') '  w0_y= ', w0_y, &
     '   focal spot =   ', lp_rad
    write (60, *) ' Longitudinal scales'
    write (60, '(a8,f6.2,a18,f6.2)') '  w0_x= ', w0_x, &
     '   tau_fwhm(fs) = ', tau_fwhm
    write (60, '(a13,f5.2,a13,f5.2)') '  wavelength=', lam0, &
     '   frequency=', oml
    write (60, '(a17,e13.3,a17,f6.2)') '  Initial focus =', xf, &
     '   Pulse center= ', xc_lp
    write (60, '(a29,e11.4)') '  Diffraction length Z_Rayl= ', zr
    write (60, '(a25,f5.2)') '  Strength parameter a0= ', a0
    write (60, '(a33,f5.2,a6)') '  Max transverse field at focus= ', &
     e0*a0*oml, '(TV/m)'
    write (60, '(a13,e13.3,a10)') '  Intensity= ', lp_intensity, &
    write (60, '(a9,e13.3,a4)') '  Power = ', lp_pow, '(TW)'
    write (60, '(a10,e13.3,a3)') '  Energy= ', lp_energy, '(J)'
    write (60, '(a30,i4)') '  Number of main laser pulses= ', nb_laser
    if (.not. enable_ionization(1)) write (60, *) &
     ' WARNING: Ionization disabled for the main pulse'
    if (nb_laser > 1) then
     do i = 2, nb_laser
      write (60, '(a23,i2,a5,i2,a10,f5.2)') '  Distance between the ', &
       i - 1, ' and ', i, ' centers= ', lp_delay(i - 1)
     end do
    end if
    write (60, *) '-----------------------------------'
    if (Two_color) then
     write (60, *) '     Injected pulse parameters '
     write (60, '(a20,f5.2)') '  Offset distance = ', lp_offset
     write (60, *) ' Transverse scales'
     write (60, '(a8,f5.2,a18,f5.2)') '  w1_y= ', w1_y, &
      '   focal spot =   ', lp1_rad
     write (60, *) ' Longitudinal scales'
     write (60, '(a8,f5.2,a18,f5.2)') '  w0_x= ', w1_x, &
      '   tau_fwhm(fs) = ', tau1_fwhm
     write (60, '(a13,f5.2,a13,f5.2)') '  wavelength=', lam1, &
      '   frequency=', om1
     write (60, '(a17,f6.2,a17,f6.2)') '  Initial focus =', xf1, &
      '   Pulse center= ', xc1_lp
     write (60, '(a29,e11.4)') '  Diffraction length Z_Rayl= ', zr1
     write (60, '(a25,f5.2)') '  Strength parameter a0= ', a1
     write (60, '(a33,f5.2,a6)') '  Max transverse field at focus= ', &
      e0*a1*om1, '(TV/m)'
     if (.not. enable_ionization(2)) write (60, *) &
      ' WARNING: Ionization disabled for the injection pulse'
    end if
   end if
   if (hybrid) then
    write (60, *) '************** FLUID DATA *****************'
    write (60, *) 'Fluid density-momenta components', nfcomp
   end if
   write (60, *) '**************PARTICLE DATA *****************'
   write (60, '(a18,i4)') '  Species number =', nsp
   write (60, '(a32,i4)') '  Id number of running species: ', nsp_run
   write (60, *) '============================='
   write (60, *) ' Species name:', species_name(0)
   write (60, '(a29,i4)') '  Macropart number per cell =', &
   write (60, '(a34,e11.4)') '  Reference macroparticle weight =', &
   write (60, *) ' Initial electron thermal speed V_T/c'
   write (60, '(a2,1E12.4)') '  ', t0_pl(1)
   write (60, *) '============================='
   if (nsp > 1) then
    do i = 2, nsp
     write (60, *) ' Ion species name:', species_name(atomic_number(i - 1) &
     write (60, '(a23,i4)') '  Ion number per cell =', mp_per_cell(i)
     write (60, '(a34,e11.4)') '  Reference macroparticle weight= ', &
     write (60, *) ' Initial charge, atomic number , mass number'
     write (60, '(a4,i8,a4,i8,a6,e11.4)') '    ', ion_min(i - 1), '    ', &
      atomic_number(i - 1), '      ', mass_number(i - 1)
     write (60, *) ' Initial ion thermal speed V_T/c'
     write (60, '(a2,1E12.4)') '  ', t0_pl(i)
    end do
   end if
   write (60, *) '-----------------------------------'
   if (ionization) then
    write (60, *) ' Field ionization model:'
    if (ionz_model == 1) write (60, *) ' W_DC ADK  '
    if (ionz_model == 2) write (60, *) ' W_AC= <W_DC>  ADK '
    if (ionz_model == 4) write (60, *) ' W_AC ADK +BSI '
    if (beam) write (60, '(a24,e11.4,a6)') '  Reference max E_field ', &
     eb_max, '(TV/m)'
    if (lp_active) write (60, '(a24,e11.4,a6)') &
     '  Reference max E_field ', lp_max, '(TV/m)'
    do i = 1, nsp_ionz - 1
     write (60, *) ' Ionization active on ion species:', &
    end do
    if (symmetrization_pulse .and. (curr_ndim > 2)) then
     write (60, *) ' A symmetrization pulse is implied when ionizing'
     write (60, *) &
      ' The sym. formula is sin(2*pi*u)*\Delta*a_1*a_symm_rat'
     if (a_symm_rat > zero_dp) then
      write (60, '(a32,e11.4)') ' Symmetrization amplitude a_symm_rat', &
      write (60, '(a32,e11.4)') ' Symmetrization amplitude a_symm_rat', &
     end if
    end if
   end if
   write (60, *) '**********TARGET PLASMA PARAMETERS***********'
   if (part .or. hybrid) then
    write (60, '(a26,e11.4,a10)') '  Electron number density ', n0_ref, &
    write (60, '(a21,e11.4)') '  Plasma wavelength= ', lambda_p
    write (60, '(a20,e11.4)') ' Chanelling fact  = ', chann_fact
    if (model_id < 5) then
     write (60, '(a20,f5.2,a10)') '  Critical density= ', ncrit, &
     write (60, '(a18,e11.4,a4)') '  Critical power= ', p_c, '(TW)'
    end if
    write (60, *) '     Target sizes '
    write (60, *) '  xmin_t        xmax_t'
    write (60, '(a2,2e11.4)') '  ', targ_in, targ_end
    write (60, *) ' ymin_t       ymax_t     '
    write (60, '(a2,2e11.4)') '  ', ymin_t, ymax_t
    if (ndim > 2) then
     write (60, *) ' zmin_t       zmax_t     '
     write (60, '(a2,2e11.4)') '  ', zmin_t, zmax_t
    end if
    write (60, *) '********** TARGET CONFIGURATION***********'
    if (wake) then
     select case (dmodel_id)
     case (1)
      write (60, *) &
       ' Multispecies five-layer x-profile with one central plateau '
     case (2)
      write (60, *) ' Multispecie five-layer x-profile with &
        &one central lpx(3) downrump'
      write (6, *) '        connecting two lpx(2) lpx(4) plateau '
     case (3)
      write (60, *) &
       ' Five-layer x-profile with two lpx(2) lpx(4) plateau and'
      write (60, *) ' a ionizing dopant added in lpx(3) layer'
     end select
    end if
    if (solid_target) then
     select case (dmodel_id)
     case (3)
      write (60, *) ' Target preplasma-enabled '
      if (lpx(1) > 0.0) write (60, '(a17,e11.4)') '  Preplasma size ', &
      if (lpx(2) > 0.0) write (60, '(a12,e11.4)') '  Ramp size ', lpx(2)
      if (lpx(3) > 0.0) write (60, '(a21,e11.4)') '  Central layer size ', &
      if (lpx(5) > 0.0) write (60, '(a33,e11.4)') &
       '  Post-layer H contaminants size ', lpx(5)
     case (4)
      write (60, *) ' Target H-foam-enabled '
      if (lpx(1) > 0.0) write (60, '(a12,e11.4)') '  Foam size ', lpx(1)
      if (lpx(2) > 0.0) write (60, '(a12,e11.4)') '  Ramp size ', lpx(2)
      if (lpx(5) > 0.0) write (60, '(a33,e11.4)') &
       '  Post-layer H contaminants size ', lpx(5)
     case (5)
      write (60, *) &
       ' Three species [El,Z1,Z3] target +[El,Z2] contaminants '
      write (60, *) 'x-layer sizes'
      write (60, '(3e11.4)') lpx(1), lpx(3), lpx(5)
      write (60, *) 'Layer density'
      write (60, '(3e11.4)') n1_over_n, n_over_nc, n2_over_n
     case (6)
      write (60, *) ' Three species [El,Z]nanowires+ bulk '
      write (60, *) 'wire size,interwire distance filling fact'
      if (ndim < 3) then
       write (60, '(3e11.4)') lpy(1), lpy(2), (lpy(1)/(lpy(1) + lpy(2)))
       write (60, '(3e11.4)') lpy(1), lpy(2), (lpy(1)/(lpy(1) + lpy(2)))** &
      end if
      write (60, *) 'Boundaries', ibx, iby
     case (7)
      write (60, *) ' One layer [El,Z] nano-tubes'
      write (60, *) ' 2R_ext    2dr   '
      write (60, '(2e11.4)') lpy(1), lpy(2)
      write (60, *) 'Boundaries', ibx, iby
     end select
    end if
    write (60, *) 'Fully kinetic PIC schemes'
    if (model_id > 4) then
     write (60, *) '******Beam+plasma data *****************'
     write (60, *) ' nbfield components', nbfield
     if (ibeam > 0) then
      write (60, *) &
       ' Bunch fields described by two arrays: ebf_bunch,ebf1_bunch'
     end if
     write (60, *) ' Beam parameters: '
     write (60, *) ' unit length is 1mu, unit density is n0=10^18/cc'
     write (60, *) '  Lambda , Omega_p,  n_over_n0 '
     write (60, '(3e11.4)') lambda_p, omega_p, n_over_nc
     write (60, *) &
      '  gamma ,  sigma_x ,     sigma_y,   eps_y       eps_z '
     do i = 1, nsb
      write (60, '(5e11.4)') gam(i), sxb(i), syb(i), epsy(i), epsz(i)
     end do
     write (60, *) '  nb_over_np  b_charge   Qcharge '
     do i = 1, nsb
      write (60, '(3e11.4)') rhob(i), bunch_charge(i), reduced_charge(i)
     end do
     write (60, *) ' unit length is 1mm, unit density is nc'
     write (60, *) '  Lambda , Omega_p    n_over_nc  '
     write (60, '(3e11.4)') lambda_p, omega_p, n_over_nc
     write (60, *) &
      '  gamma   bet0        Lx       sigma_y,   eps_y       eps_z '
     i = 1
     write (60, '(6e11.4)') gam(i), bet0, sxb(i), syb(i), epsy(i), &
     write (60, *) ' jb_norm     nb_o_np    b_charge_den  '
     write (60, '(3e11.4)') jb_norm(i), rhob(i), b_charge
    end if
    write (60, *) ' target in  target_end'
    write (60, '(2e11.4)') targ_in, targ_end
    write (60, *) ' ymin_t       ymax_t     '
    write (60, '(2e11.4)') ymin_t, ymax_t
    write (60, *) ' Electron number per cell '
    write (60, '(i4)') nref
    write (60, *) ' Particle density normalization  '
    write (60, '(e11.4)') j0_norm
   end if
   write (60, *) '*******  END INITIAL DATA INFO***********'
   close (60)
   write (6, *) '********** TARGET *********************'
   write (6, *) ' target in  target_end'
   write (6, '(2e11.4)') targ_in, targ_end
   write (6, *) ' ymin_t       ymax_t     '
   write (6, '(2e11.4)') ymin_t, ymax_t
   write (6, *) ' Electron number per cell '
   write (6, '(i4)') nref
   write (6, *) ' Particle density normalization  '
   write (6, '(e11.4)') j0_norm
   write (6, *) '********** ALLOCATED MEMORY (MB) *********************'
   write (6, '(a28,e12.5)') ' Pe0 allocated grid memory= ', &
    1.e-06*real(mem_size, dp)*kind(electron_charge_norm)
   write (6, '(a28,e12.5)') ' Pe0 allocated part memory= ', &
    1.e-06*real(mem_psize, dp)*kind(electron_charge_norm)
   if (prl) then
    write (6, '(a24,e12.5)') ' Max part memory (MB) = ', mem_psize_max
    !write(6,'(a20,e12.5)')' Max part  address= ',mem_max_addr
   end if
   write (6, *) ' Particle min/max distr. '
   write (6, '(i10,a1,i10)') np_min, ' ', np_max
   write (6, '(a18,2i8)') ' where pmin/pmax  ', pe_npmin, pe_npmax
   write (6, *) '******************************************************'
  end subroutine
  subroutine ioniz_data(ef_max, z0, an, zlev, zmod)

   real(dp), intent(in) :: ef_max
   integer, intent(in) :: z0(:), an(:), zlev, zmod
   integer :: i, ic, k, zm_loc, lev_max

   if (zlev == 1) open (10, file='diag_one_level_ionz.dat')
   if (zlev == 2) open (10, file='diag_two_level_ionz.dat')
   write (10, *) 'nsp_ionz-1,zlev,zmod,N_ge '
   write (10, '(4i8)') nsp_ionz - 1, zlev, zmod, n_ge
   write (10, *) '  Max Ef       dt      Omega_au  '
   write (10, '(3E11.4)') ef_max, dt_fs, omega_a
   if (Two_color) then
    write (10, *) &
     ' a0        lam0,      om0,      a1,      lam1,         om1'
    write (10, '(6E11.4)') a0, lam0, oml, a1, lam1, om1
    write (10, *) ' a0        lam0,      om0'
    write (10, '(6E11.4)') a0, lam0, oml
   end if
   do ic = 1, nsp_ionz - 1
    write (10, *) ' z0,     zmax'
    write (10, '(2i6)') z0(ic), an(ic)
    write (10, *) ' E_c       E_b           V_norm(a.u.)  '
    lev_max = an(ic)
    do i = 1, lev_max
     write (10, '(3E12.4)') e_c(i, ic), e_b(i, ic), v_norm(i, ic)
    end do
    zm_loc = lev_max - z0(ic)
    write (10, *) 'ionization rate :Wi(Ef,1:zmax-z0,ic) in fs^{-1}'
    do i = 1, zm_loc
     write (10, *) i
     write (10, '(6e12.4)') wi(1:n_ge, i, ic)
    end do
    !=========================== cumulative distribution wsp
    if (zlev == 1) then
     write (10, *) 'ionization one level probability  wsp(Ne_g,z0:zmax)'
     do i = 0, zm_loc - 1
      write (10, *) i
      write (10, '(6e12.4)') w_one_lev(1:n_ge, i + z0(ic), ic)
     end do
    else !for multi-level ionization
     write (10, *) &
      'ionization multi level probability  wsp(Ne_g,z0:zmax,z0+i:zmax)'
     do i = 0, zm_loc - 1
      write (10, *) i
      do k = 0, zm_loc - i
       write (10, *) k
       write (10, '(6e12.4)') wsp(1:n_ge, k, i + z0(ic), ic)
      end do
     end do
    end if
   end do
   close (10)
  end subroutine
  subroutine Final_run_info

   if (pe0) then
    write (6, '(a14,i6,a5,e11.4,a11,e11.4)') ' final iter = ', iter, &
     ' t = ', tnow, ' last dt = ', dt_loc
    !call tot_num_part
    call CPU_TIME(unix_time_now)
    write (6, '(a22,f12.3,a10,i15)') ' Total time elapsed = ', &
     unix_time_now - unix_time_begin
    write (6, *) ' END OF RUN'
   end if
  end subroutine

  subroutine submem(rmem)
   real(dp), intent(out) :: rmem
   integer(kind=8) :: addr
   real(dp), allocatable :: am(:)

   allocate (am(100))
   call memaddr(am, addr)
   deallocate (am)
   rmem = addr
  end subroutine

  subroutine Max_pmemory_check()

   integer :: ndv1, ndv2
   integer :: ic
   real(dp) :: mem_loc(1), max_mem(1)
   !real(dp) :: adr

   mem_loc = 0.
   max_mem = 0.
   do ic = 1, nsp
    if (allocated(spec(ic)%part)) then
     ndv1 = size(spec(ic)%part, 1)
     ndv2 = size(spec(ic)%part, 2)
     mem_loc(1) = mem_loc(1) + real(ndv1*ndv2, dp)
    end if
   end do
   if (allocated(ebfp)) then
    ndv1 = size(ebfp, 1)
    ndv2 = size(ebfp, 2)
    mem_loc(1) = mem_loc(1) + real(ndv1*ndv2, dp)
   end if
   if (beam) then
    do ic = 1, nsb
     if (allocated(bunch(ic)%part)) then
      ndv1 = size(spec(ic)%part, 1)
      ndv2 = size(spec(ic)%part, 2)
      mem_loc(1) = mem_loc(1) + real(ndv1*ndv2, dp)
     end if
    end do
    if (allocated(ebfb)) then
     ndv1 = size(ebfb, 1)
     ndv2 = size(ebfb, 2)
     mem_loc(1) = mem_loc(1) + real(ndv1*ndv2, dp)
    end if
   end if
   if (allocated(ebfp0)) then
    ndv1 = size(ebfp0, 1)
    ndv2 = size(ebfp0, 2)
    mem_loc(1) = mem_loc(1) + real(ndv1*ndv2, dp)
   end if
   if (allocated(ebfp1)) then
    ndv1 = size(ebfp1, 1)
    ndv2 = size(ebfp1, 2)
    mem_loc(1) = mem_loc(1) + real(ndv1*ndv2, dp)
   end if
   call allreduce_dpreal(maxv, mem_loc, max_mem, 1)
   mem_psize_max = kind(electron_charge_norm)*1.e-06*max_mem(1)

   !call submem(adr)
   !call allreduce_dpreal(MAXV,mem_loc,max_mem,1)

  end subroutine
 end module