init_part_distrib.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~init_part_distrib.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~init_part_distrib.f90 init_part_distrib.f90 sourcefile~grid_param.f90 grid_param.f90 sourcefile~init_part_distrib.f90->sourcefile~grid_param.f90 sourcefile~array_alloc.f90 array_alloc.f90 sourcefile~init_part_distrib.f90->sourcefile~array_alloc.f90 sourcefile~common_param.f90 common_param.f90 sourcefile~init_part_distrib.f90->sourcefile~common_param.f90 sourcefile~phys_param.f90 phys_param.f90 sourcefile~init_part_distrib.f90->sourcefile~phys_param.f90 sourcefile~code_util.f90 code_util.f90 sourcefile~init_part_distrib.f90->sourcefile~code_util.f90 sourcefile~util.f90 util.f90 sourcefile~init_part_distrib.f90->sourcefile~util.f90 sourcefile~mpi_var.f90 mpi_var.f90 sourcefile~init_part_distrib.f90->sourcefile~mpi_var.f90 sourcefile~precision_def.f90 precision_def.F90 sourcefile~grid_param.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~struct_def.f90 struct_def.f90 sourcefile~grid_param.f90->sourcefile~struct_def.f90 sourcefile~pstruct_data.f90 pstruct_data.f90 sourcefile~array_alloc.f90->sourcefile~pstruct_data.f90 sourcefile~fstruct_data.f90 fstruct_data.f90 sourcefile~array_alloc.f90->sourcefile~fstruct_data.f90 sourcefile~common_param.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~phys_param.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~code_util.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~util.f90->sourcefile~code_util.f90 sourcefile~util.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~mpi_var.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~pstruct_data.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~pstruct_data.f90->sourcefile~struct_def.f90 sourcefile~struct_def.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~fstruct_data.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~init_part_distrib.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~init_part_distrib.f90 init_part_distrib.f90 sourcefile~pic_in.f90 pic_in.f90 sourcefile~pic_in.f90->sourcefile~init_part_distrib.f90 sourcefile~start_all.f90 start_all.F90 sourcefile~start_all.f90->sourcefile~pic_in.f90 sourcefile~aladyn.f90 ALaDyn.F90 sourcefile~aladyn.f90->sourcefile~start_all.f90


Source Code

Source Code

!                            Copyright 2008-2019  The ALaDyn Collaboration                            !

!  This file is part of ALaDyn.                                                                       !
!                                                                                                     !
!  ALaDyn is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify                                     !
!  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by                               !
!  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or                                  !
!  (at your option) any later version.                                                                !
!                                                                                                     !
!  ALaDyn is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                                          !
!  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                                     !
!  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the                                      !
!  GNU General Public License for more details.                                                       !
!                                                                                                     !
!  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License                                  !
!  along with ALaDyn.  If not, see <>.                                    !

 module init_part_distrib

  use common_param
  use util
  use grid_param
  use array_alloc
  use mpi_var
  use code_util, only: maxv, mem_psize
  use phys_param, only: pi

  implicit none
  public :: part_distribute

  integer, allocatable :: loc_imax(:, :), loc_jmax(:, :), loc_kmax(:, :)


  subroutine set_pgrid_xind(npx, ic)
   integer, intent(in) :: npx, ic
   integer :: i, p, ip
   real(dp) :: xp, x1, x2

   !Defines the the number of particles on each mpi x-domain
   ! Enter the total particle number npx and the particle species ic
   ! Particle x-distribution is already defined by xpt(nptx,ic)
   ! Exit loc_imax(pex,ic) for each pex task
   loc_imax(0:npe_xloc - 1, ic) = 1
   p = 0
   ip = 0
   x1 = loc_xgrid(0)%gmin
   x2 = loc_xgrid(0)%gmax
   do i = 1, npx
    xp = xpt(i, ic)
    if (xp >= x1 .and. xp < x2) ip = ip + 1
   end do
   loc_imax(p, ic) = ip !number of grid points in [loc_xmin,loc_xmax]
   if (npe_xloc > 1) then
    do p = 1, npe_xloc - 1
     x1 = loc_xgrid(p)%gmin
     x2 = loc_xgrid(p)%gmax
     ip = 0
     do i = 1, npx
      xp = xpt(i, ic)
      if (xp >= x1 .and. xp < x2) ip = ip + 1
     end do
     loc_imax(p, ic) = ip
    end do
   end if
  end subroutine

  subroutine set_pgrid_ind(npy, npz, ic)
   integer, intent(in) :: npy, npz, ic
   integer :: i, p, ip
   real(dp) :: yp, y1, y2

   ! Particles number index on each y-z mpi domain
   ! Enter the total particle number npy, npz and the particle species ic
   ! Particle y-z-distributions are ypt(npy,ic), zpt(npz,ic)
   ! Exit loc_jmax(pey,ic) loc_kmax(pez,ic)for each pey peztask
   loc_jmax(0:npe_yloc - 1, ic) = 1
   loc_kmax(0:npe_zloc - 1, ic) = 1

   p = 0
   ip = 0
   do i = 1, npy
    yp = ypt(i, ic)
    y1 = ymin_t
    y2 = loc_ygrid(p)%gmax
    if (yp >= y1 .and. yp < y2) ip = ip + 1
   end do
   loc_jmax(p, ic) = ip !number of particle y-positions in [loc_ymin,loc_ymax]
   if (npe_yloc > 2) then
    do p = 1, npe_yloc - 2
     ip = 0
     do i = 1, npy
      yp = ypt(i, ic)
      y1 = loc_ygrid(p)%gmin
      y2 = loc_ygrid(p)%gmax
      if (yp >= y1 .and. yp < y2) ip = ip + 1
     end do
     loc_jmax(p, ic) = ip
    end do
   end if
   p = npe_yloc - 1
   ip = 0
   do i = 1, npy
    yp = ypt(i, ic)
    y1 = loc_ygrid(p)%gmin
    y2 = ymax_t
    if (yp >= y1 .and. yp < y2) ip = ip + 1
   end do
   loc_jmax(p, ic) = ip
   if (npz == 1) return

   p = 0
   ip = 0
   do i = 1, npz
    yp = zpt(i, ic)
    y1 = zmin_t
    y2 = loc_zgrid(p)%gmax
    if (yp >= y1 .and. yp < y2) ip = ip + 1
   end do
   loc_kmax(p, ic) = ip
   if (npe_zloc > 2) then
    do p = 1, npe_zloc - 2
     ip = 0
     do i = 1, npz
      yp = zpt(i, ic)
      y1 = loc_zgrid(p)%gmin
      y2 = loc_zgrid(p)%gmax
      if (yp >= y1 .and. yp < y2) ip = ip + 1
     end do
     loc_kmax(p, ic) = ip
    end do
   end if
   p = npe_zloc - 1
   ip = 0
   do i = 1, npz
    yp = zpt(i, ic)
    y1 = loc_zgrid(p)%gmin
    y2 = zmax_t
    if (yp >= y1 .and. yp < y2) ip = ip + 1
   end do
   loc_kmax(p, ic) = ip
  end subroutine

  subroutine pspecies_distribute(loc_sp, t_x, ch, q, ic, i2, p)
   type(species), intent(inout) :: loc_sp
   real(dp), intent(in) :: t_x, ch
   integer, intent(in) :: q, ic, i2
   integer, intent(out) :: p
   integer :: i, j, k, j2, k2
   real(dp) :: u, whz

   call init_random_seed(mype)
   p = q
   charge = int(ch, hp_int)
   part_ind = 0
   k2 = loc_nptz(ic)
   j2 = loc_npty(ic)
   if (curr_ndim > 2) then
    do k = 1, k2
     do j = 1, j2
      do i = 1, i2
       whz = loc_wghx(i, ic)*loc_wghyz(j, k, ic)
       wgh = real(whz, sp)
       p = p + 1
       loc_sp%part(p, 1) = loc_xpt(i, ic)
       loc_sp%part(p, 2) = loc_ypt(j, ic)
       loc_sp%part(p, 3) = loc_zpt(k, ic)
       call gasdev(u)
       loc_sp%part(p, 4) = t_x*u
       call gasdev(u)
       loc_sp%part(p, 5) = t_x*u
       call gasdev(u)
       loc_sp%part(p, 6) = t_x*u
       loc_sp%part(p, 7) = wgh_cmp
      end do
     end do
    end do
   end if

   do j = 1, j2
    do i = 1, i2
     whz = loc_wghx(i, ic)*loc_wghyz(j, 1, ic)
     wgh = real(whz, sp)
     p = p + 1
     loc_sp%part(p, 1) = loc_xpt(i, ic)
     loc_sp%part(p, 2) = loc_ypt(j, ic)
     call gasdev(u)
     loc_sp%part(p, 3) = t_x*u
     call gasdev(u)
     loc_sp%part(p, 4) = t_x*u
     loc_sp%part(p, 5) = wgh_cmp
    end do
   end do
  end subroutine
  subroutine mpi_x_part_distrib(nc)
   !Local to imodx distribution
   integer, intent(in) :: nc
   integer :: ic, i2, ix_min
   real(dp) :: x1

   x1 = loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmin
   do ic = 1, nc
    ix_min = 0
    do i2 = 1, nptx(ic) !the total particle number
     if (xpt(i2, ic) < x1) ix_min = i2
    end do
    do i2 = 1, loc_nptx(ic) !the local particle number
     ix_min = ix_min + 1
     loc_xpt(i2, ic) = xpt(ix_min, ic)
     loc_wghx(i2, ic) = wghpt(ix_min, ic)
    end do
   end do
  end subroutine
  subroutine mpi_yz_part_distrib(nc, ky2_in, kz2_in, nyc, nzc, ymt, zmt, whyz)

   integer, intent(in) :: nc, ky2_in(:), kz2_in(:), nyc(:), nzc(:)
   real(dp), intent(in) :: ymt, zmt, whyz(:, :, :)
   integer :: ic, i2, k1, j1, j2
   real(dp) :: loc_ym, loc_zm

   if (ndim < 3) then
    loc_ym = loc_ygrid(imody)%gmin
    if (imody == 0) loc_ym = ymt
    do ic = 1, nc
     k1 = 0
     do i2 = 1, nyc(ic)
      if (ypt(i2, ic) < loc_ym) k1 = i2
     end do
     do i2 = 1, ky2_in(ic)
      k1 = k1 + 1
      loc_ypt(i2, ic) = ypt(k1, ic)
      loc_wghyz(i2, 1, ic) = whyz(k1, 1, ic)
     end do
    end do
    zpt(1, 1:nc) = 0.0
   end if
   loc_zm = loc_zgrid(imodz)%gmin
   if (imodz == 0) loc_zm = zmt
   loc_ym = loc_ygrid(imody)%gmin
   if (imody == 0) loc_ym = ymt

   do ic = 1, nc
    k1 = 0
    do i2 = 1, nzc(ic)
     if (zpt(i2, ic) < loc_zm) k1 = i2
    end do
    do i2 = 1, kz2_in(ic)
     k1 = k1 + 1
     loc_zpt(i2, ic) = zpt(k1, ic)
     j1 = 0
     do j2 = 1, nyc(ic)
      if (ypt(j2, ic) < loc_ym) j1 = j2
     end do
     do j2 = 1, ky2_in(ic)
      j1 = j1 + 1
      loc_ypt(j2, ic) = ypt(j1, ic)
      loc_wghyz(j2, i2, ic) = whyz(j1, k1, ic)
     end do
    end do
   end do
  end subroutine
  subroutine set_uniform_yz_distrib(nyh_in, nc)

   integer, intent(in) :: nyh_in, nc
   integer :: j, i, i1, i2, ic
   integer :: npyc(6), npzc(6), npty_ne, nptz_ne
   real(dp) :: yy, zz, dxip, dpy, dpz
   real(dp) :: zp_min, zp_max, yp_min, yp_max
   integer :: nyl1, nzl1
   real(dp), allocatable :: wy(:, :), wz(:, :), wyz(:, :, :)
   !========= gridding the transverse target size
   nyl1 = 1 + ny/2 - nyh_in/2 !=1 if nyh_in=ny
   nzl1 = 1 + nz/2 - nyh_in/2 !=1 if nyh_in=nz
   yp_min = ymin_t
   yp_max = ymax_t
   ! Multispecies
   do ic = 1, nc
    npyc(ic) = nyh_in*np_per_yc(ic)
   end do
   npty = maxval(npyc(1:nc))
   nptz = 1
   zp_min = zero_dp
   zp_max = zero_dp
   if (ndim == 3) then
    npzc(1:nc) = nyh_in*np_per_zc(1:nc)
    zp_min = zmin_t !-Lz
    zp_max = zmax_t !+Lz
    nptz = maxval(npzc(1:nc))
   end if
   allocate (ypt(npty, nc))
   allocate (zpt(nptz, nc))
   allocate (wy(npty, nc))
   allocate (wz(nptz, nc))
   allocate (wyz(npty, nptz, nc))
   ypt = 0.
   zpt = 0.
   wyz = 1.
   wy = 1.
   wz = 1.
   allocate (loc_jmax(0:npe_yloc - 1, 1:nc))
   allocate (loc_kmax(0:npe_zloc - 1, 1:nc))
   allocate (loc_imax(0:npe_xloc - 1, 1:nc))
   ! Uniform layers along y-z coordinates
   do ic = 1, nc
    npty_ne = npyc(ic)
    if (npty_ne > 0) then
     dpy = (yp_max - yp_min)/real(npty_ne, dp)
     do i = 1, npty_ne
      ypt(i, ic) = yp_min + dpy*(real(i, dp) - 0.5)
     end do
     if (stretch) then
      yy = str_ygrid%smin
      if (yy > yp_min) then
       dpy = dyi/real(np_per_yc(ic), dp)
       i1 = (str_ygrid%sind(1) - nyl1 + 1)*np_per_yc(ic)
       i2 = npty_ne - i1
       do i = 1, i1
        dxip = dpy*(real(i - i1, dp) - 0.5)
        ypt(i, ic) = str_ygrid%smin + l_s*tan(dxip)
        wy(i, ic) = 1./(cos(dxip)*cos(dxip))
       end do
       dxip = dy/real(np_per_yc(ic), dp)
       do i = i1 + 1, i2
        ypt(i, ic) = str_ygrid%smin + dxip*(real(i - i1, dp) - 0.5)
       end do
       do i = i2 + 1, npty_ne
        dxip = dpy*(real(i - i2, dp) - 0.5)
        ypt(i, ic) = str_ygrid%smax + l_s*tan(dxip)
        wy(i, ic) = 1./(cos(dxip)*cos(dxip))
       end do
      end if
     end if
     do i = 1, npty_ne
      wyz(i, 1, ic) = wy(i, ic)*wz(1, ic)
     end do
    end if ! end np_per_yc >0
    nptz_ne = 1
    if (ndim == 3) then
     nptz_ne = npzc(ic)
     if (nptz_ne > 0) then
      dpz = (zp_max - zp_min)/real(nptz_ne, dp)
      do i = 1, nptz_ne
       zpt(i, ic) = zp_min + dpz*(real(i, dp) - 0.5)
      end do
      if (stretch) then
       zz = str_zgrid%smin
       if (zz > zp_min) then
        dpz = dzi/real(np_per_zc(ic), dp)
        i1 = (str_zgrid%sind(1) - nzl1 + 1)*np_per_zc(ic)
        i2 = nptz_ne - i1
        do i = 1, i1
         dxip = dpy*(real(i - i1, dp) - 0.5)
         zpt(i, ic) = str_zgrid%smin + l_s*tan(dxip)
         wz(i, ic) = 1./(cos(dxip)*cos(dxip))
        end do
        dxip = dz/real(np_per_zc(ic), dp)
        do i = i1 + 1, i2
         zpt(i, ic) = str_zgrid%smin + dxip*(real(i - i1, dp) - 0.5)
        end do
        do i = i2 + 1, nptz_ne
         dxip = dpy*(real(i - i2, dp) - 0.5)
         zpt(i, ic) = str_zgrid%smax + l_s*tan(dxip)
         wz(i, ic) = 1./(cos(dxip)*cos(dxip))
        end do
       end if
      end if
     end if
     do i = 1, nptz_ne
      do j = 1, npty_ne
       wyz(j, i, ic) = wy(j, ic)*wz(i, ic)
      end do
     end do
     if (chann_fact > 0.0) then
      do i = 1, nptz_ne
       zz = zpt(i, ic)
       do j = 1, npty_ne
        yy = ypt(j, ic)
        wyz(j, i, ic) = 1.+chann_fact*(yy*yy + zz*zz)/(w0_y*w0_y)
       end do
      end do
     end if
    end if !end ndim=3
    call set_pgrid_ind(npty_ne, nptz_ne, ic) !exit loc_jmax,loc_kmax
   end do
   loc_npty(1:nc) = loc_jmax(imody, 1:nc)
   loc_nptz(1:nc) = loc_kmax(imodz, 1:nc)
   npty_ne = 1
   nptz_ne = 1
   npty_ne = maxval(loc_npty(1:nc))
   nptz_ne = maxval(loc_nptz(1:nc))
   allocate (loc_wghyz(npty_ne, nptz_ne, nc))
   allocate (loc_ypt(npty_ne, nc))
   allocate (loc_zpt(nptz_ne, nc))
   loc_wghyz = 1.
   call mpi_yz_part_distrib(nc, loc_npty, loc_nptz, npyc, npzc, ymin_t, &
                            zmin_t, wyz)

   !=EXIT local to mpi (imody,imodz) tasks (loc_ypt,loc_zpt), weights (loc_wghyz)
   ! => set in common in pstruct_data.f90 file/
   ! and particle numbers (loc_npty,loc_nptz)
   ! => set in common in grid_and_partices.f90 file/
  end subroutine
  subroutine multi_layer_gas_target(layer_mod, nyh_in, xf0)

   integer, intent(in) :: layer_mod, nyh_in
   real(dp), intent(in) :: xf0
   integer :: p, i, j, i1, i2, ic
   integer :: n_peak, npmax, nxtot, len_conc
   real(dp) :: uu, u2, xp_min, xp_max, u3, ramp_prefactor
   real(dp) :: xfsh, un(2), wgh_sp(nsp)
   real(dp), allocatable :: conc(:)
   integer :: nxl(6)
   integer :: nps_loc(4), last_particle_index(4), nptx_alloc(4)
   p = 0
   i = 0
   j = 0
   i1 = 0
   i2 = 0
   ic = 0
   call set_uniform_yz_distrib(nyh_in, nsp)
   xp_min = xmin
   xp_max = xmax
   nxl = 0
   ! Parameters for particle distribution along the x-coordinate
   ! Layers nxl(1:5) all containing the same ion species
   len_conc = size(concentration)
   allocate (conc(len_conc))
   conc(:) = concentration(:)
   xtot = 0.0
   nxtot = 0
   do i = 1, 6
    nxl(i) = nint(dx_inv*lpx(i))
    lpx(i) = nxl(i)*dx
    xtot = xtot + lpx(i)
    nxtot = nxtot + nxl(i)
   end do
   if (xf0 > 0.0) then
    targ_in = xf0
    targ_end = targ_in + xtot
    targ_in = xmin
    targ_end = xtot + xf0
   end if
   xfsh = xf0
   loc_nptx = 0
   loc_nptx(1:nsp) = (nxl(1) + nxl(2) + nxl(3) + nxl(4) + nxl(5) + nxl(6))* &

   nptx_max = maxval(loc_nptx(1:nsp))
   allocate (xpt(nptx_max, nsp))
   allocate (wghpt(nptx_max, nsp))
   allocate (loc_xpt(nptx_max, nsp))
   wghpt = one_dp
   un = one_dp
   ramp_prefactor = one_dp
   ! WARNING for charge distribution
   ! wgh_sp(1:nsp) already set by initial conditions
   ! Longitudinal distribution
   nptx = 0
   !Weights for multispecies target

   wgh_sp(1) = j0_norm*n0_ref*n_plasma
   do i = 2, nsp
    if (mp_per_cell(i) > 0) wgh_sp(i) = n0_ref/real(mp_per_cell(i), dp)
    wgh_sp(i) = conc(i - 1)*wgh_sp(i)
   end do
   select case (layer_mod)
    !================ first uniform layer np1=================
   case (1)
    if (nxl(1) > 0) then
     ramp_prefactor = one_dp - np1
     do ic = 1, nsp
      n_peak = nxl(1)*np_per_xc(ic)
      do i = 1, n_peak
       uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
       i1 = nptx(ic) + i
       xpt(i1, ic) = xfsh + lpx(1)*uu
       wghpt(i1, ic) = np1*wgh_sp(ic)
      end do
      nptx(ic) = nptx(ic) + n_peak
     end do
     xfsh = xfsh + lpx(1)
    end if
    !================ first CUBIC ramp np1 => 1 --linear or exponential still available but commented =================
    if (nxl(2) > 0) then
     do ic = 1, nsp
      n_peak = nxl(2)*np_per_xc(ic)
      do i = 1, n_peak
       uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
       i1 = nptx(ic) + i
       xpt(i1, ic) = xfsh + lpx(2)*uu
       u2 = uu*uu
       u3 = u2*uu
       wghpt(i1, ic) = (-2.*ramp_prefactor*u3 + 3.*ramp_prefactor*u2 + &
                        one_dp - ramp_prefactor)*wgh_sp(ic)
      end do
      nptx(ic) = nptx(ic) + n_peak
     end do
     xfsh = xfsh + lpx(2)
    end if
    !================ Central layer=================
    if (nxl(3) > 0) then
     do ic = 1, nsp
      n_peak = nxl(3)*np_per_xc(ic)
      do i = 1, n_peak
       uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
       i1 = nptx(ic) + i
       xpt(i1, ic) = xfsh + lpx(3)*uu
       wghpt(i1, ic) = wgh_sp(ic)
      end do
      nptx(ic) = nptx(ic) + n_peak
     end do
     xfsh = xfsh + lpx(3)
    end if
    !================ second linear ramp =================
    if (nxl(4) > 0) then
     do ic = 1, nsp
      n_peak = nxl(4)*np_per_xc(ic)
      do i = 1, n_peak
       uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
       i1 = nptx(ic) + i
       xpt(i1, ic) = xfsh + lpx(4)*uu
       wghpt(i1, ic) = (1.-uu*(1.-np2))*wgh_sp(ic)
      end do
      nptx(ic) = nptx(ic) + n_peak
     end do
     xfsh = xfsh + lpx(4)
    end if
    if (nxl(5) > 0) then
     do ic = 1, nsp
      n_peak = nxl(5)*np_per_xc(ic)
      do i = 1, n_peak
       uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
       i1 = nptx(ic) + i
       xpt(i1, ic) = xfsh + lpx(5)*uu
       wghpt(i1, ic) = np2*wgh_sp(ic)
      end do
      nptx(ic) = nptx(ic) + n_peak
     end do
     xfsh = xfsh + lpx(5)
    end if
    do ic = 1, nsp
     nptx_alloc(ic) = min(nptx(ic) + 10, nx*np_per_xc(ic))
    end do
   case (2)
    !                 two bumps  (n1/n_c, n2/n_c) of length x_1 and x_2
    !                 n_over_nc enters as average n_over nc= (n1* x_1+n2*x_2)/(x_1+x_2)
    !                 weight j0_norm =>> j0_norm*np1 in x_1       =>> j0_norm*np2 in x_2
    !                 particle per cell uniform
    !================ first linear ramp to first plateau n1/n_c =================
    if (nxl(1) > 0) then
     do ic = 1, nsp
      n_peak = nxl(1)*np_per_xc(ic)
      do i = 1, n_peak
       uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
       i1 = nptx(ic) + i
       xpt(i1, ic) = xfsh + lpx(1)*uu
       wghpt(i1, ic) = uu*np1*wgh_sp(ic)
      end do
      nptx(ic) = nptx(ic) + n_peak
     end do
     xfsh = xfsh + lpx(1)
    end if
    if (nxl(2) > 0) then !first plateau
     do ic = 1, nsp
      n_peak = nxl(2)*np_per_xc(ic)
      do i = 1, n_peak
       uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
       i1 = nptx(ic) + i
       xpt(i1, ic) = xfsh + lpx(2)*uu
       wghpt(i1, ic) = np1*wgh_sp(ic)
      end do
      nptx(ic) = nptx(ic) + n_peak
     end do
     xfsh = xfsh + lpx(2)
    end if
    !================ np1 => np2 down-ramp =================
    if (nxl(3) > 0) then
     do ic = 1, nsp
      n_peak = nxl(3)*np_per_xc(ic)
      do i = 1, n_peak
       uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
       i1 = nptx(ic) + i
       xpt(i1, ic) = xfsh + lpx(3)*uu
       wghpt(i1, ic) = wgh_sp(ic)*(np1 + uu*(np2 - np1))
      end do
      nptx(ic) = nptx(ic) + n_peak
     end do
     xfsh = xfsh + lpx(3)
    end if
    !================ second plateau n2/n_c < n1/n_c =================
    if (nxl(4) > 0) then
     do ic = 1, nsp
      n_peak = nxl(4)*np_per_xc(ic)
      do i = 1, n_peak
       uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
       i1 = nptx(ic) + i
       xpt(i1, ic) = xfsh + lpx(4)*uu
       wghpt(i1, ic) = np2*wgh_sp(ic)
      end do
      nptx(ic) = nptx(ic) + n_peak
     end do
     xfsh = xfsh + lpx(4)
    end if
    if (nxl(5) > 0) then !second down-ramp n2/n_c ==> 0
     do ic = 1, nsp
      n_peak = nxl(5)*np_per_xc(ic)
      do i = 1, n_peak
       uu = (real(i) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
       i1 = nptx(ic) + i
       xpt(i1, ic) = xfsh + lpx(5)*uu
       wghpt(i1, ic) = (1.-uu)*np2*wgh_sp(ic)
      end do
      nptx(ic) = nptx(ic) + n_peak
     end do
     xfsh = xfsh + lpx(5)
    end if
    do ic = 1, nsp
     nptx_alloc(ic) = min(nptx(ic) + 10, nx*np_per_xc(ic))
    end do
   case (3)
    !                 three layers
    !                 lpx(1)[ramp]+lpx(2)[plateau]  and lpx(4) plateu lpx(5) downramp n_ion=0 n_e=n_0
    !                 lpx(3)[plateau]  with a (A1-Z1) dopant with % density np1=n1_per_nc/n_per_nc
    !                 and electronic density n_e=n_0+Z1*n_ion  n0=n_H(+)
    !Z1 electrons are accounted for by a larger electron weight
    un(1) = 1.+ion_min(1)*np1
    un(2) = np1 !float(mp_per_cell(1))/float(mp_per_cell(ic))

    if (nxl(1) > 0) then
     do ic = 1, nsp_run
      n_peak = nxl(1)*np_per_xc(ic)
      do i = 1, n_peak
       uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
       i1 = nptx(ic) + i
       xpt(i1, ic) = xfsh + lpx(1)*uu
       wghpt(i1, ic) = uu*wgh_sp(ic)
      end do
      nptx(ic) = nptx(ic) + n_peak
     end do
     xfsh = xfsh + lpx(1)
    end if
    if (nxl(2) > 0) then !first plateau
     do ic = 1, nsp_run
      n_peak = nxl(2)*np_per_xc(ic)
      do i = 1, n_peak
       uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
       i1 = nptx(ic) + i
       xpt(i1, ic) = xfsh + lpx(2)*uu
       wghpt(i1, ic) = wgh_sp(ic)
      end do
      nptx(ic) = nptx(ic) + n_peak
     end do
     xfsh = xfsh + lpx(2)
    end if
    if (nxl(3) > 0) then !el+H(+) + dopant un(1:2) correct (electron,Z1) weights
     do ic = 1, nsp
      n_peak = nxl(3)*np_per_xc(ic)
      do i = 1, n_peak
       uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
       i1 = nptx(ic) + i
       xpt(i1, ic) = xfsh + lpx(3)*uu
       wghpt(i1, ic) = un(ic)*wgh_sp(ic)
      end do
      nptx(ic) = nptx(ic) + n_peak
     end do
     xfsh = xfsh + lpx(3)
    end if
    !================ second plateau only electrons =================
    if (nxl(4) > 0) then
     do ic = 1, nsp_run
      n_peak = nxl(4)*np_per_xc(ic)
      do i = 1, n_peak
       uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
       i1 = nptx(ic) + i
       xpt(i1, ic) = xfsh + lpx(4)*uu
       wghpt(i1, ic) = wgh_sp(ic)
      end do
      nptx(ic) = nptx(ic) + n_peak
     end do
     xfsh = xfsh + lpx(4)
    end if
    if (nxl(5) > 0) then !second down-ramp ==> 0
     do ic = 1, nsp_run
      n_peak = nxl(5)*np_per_xc(ic)
      do i = 1, n_peak
       uu = (real(i) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
       i1 = nptx(ic) + i
       xpt(i1, ic) = xfsh + lpx(5)*uu
       wghpt(i1, ic) = (1.-uu)*wgh_sp(ic)
      end do
      nptx(ic) = nptx(ic) + n_peak
     end do
     xfsh = xfsh + lpx(5)
    end if
    do ic = 1, nsp
     nptx_alloc(ic) = min(nptx(ic) + 10, nx*np_per_xc(ic))
    end do
   case (4)
    !================ cos^2 upramp with peak n0 =================
    if (nxl(1) > 0) then
     do ic = 1, nsp
      n_peak = nxl(1)*np_per_xc(ic)
      if (n_peak > 0) then
       do i = 1, n_peak
        uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
        i1 = nptx(ic) + i
        xpt(i1, ic) = xfsh + lpx(1)*uu
        uu = uu - 1.
        wghpt(i1, ic) = one_dp*cos(0.5*pi*(uu))*cos(0.5*pi*(uu))* &
       end do
      end if
      nptx(ic) = nptx(ic) + n_peak
     end do
     xfsh = xfsh + lpx(1)
    end if
    !================ uniform layer n0=================
    if (nxl(2) > 0) then
     do ic = 1, nsp
      n_peak = nxl(2)*np_per_xc(ic)
      if (n_peak > 0) then
       do i = 1, n_peak
        uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
        i1 = nptx(ic) + i
        xpt(i1, ic) = xfsh + lpx(2)*uu
        wghpt(i1, ic) = one_dp*wgh_sp(ic)
       end do
      end if
      nptx(ic) = nptx(ic) + n_peak
     end do
     xfsh = xfsh + lpx(2)
    end if
    !================ cos^2 downramp to the plateau np1*n0 =================
    if (nxl(3) > 0) then
     do ic = 1, nsp
      n_peak = nxl(3)*np_per_xc(ic)
      if (n_peak > 0) then
       do i = 1, n_peak
        uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
        i1 = nptx(ic) + i
        xpt(i1, ic) = xfsh + lpx(3)*uu
        uu = uu - 1.
        wghpt(i1, ic) = (np1 + (one_dp - np1)*sin(0.5*pi*(uu))*sin(0.5*pi*( &
       end do
      end if
      nptx(ic) = nptx(ic) + n_peak
     end do
     xfsh = xfsh + lpx(3)
    end if
    !================ Central layer of density np1*n0 =================
    if (nxl(4) > 0) then
     do ic = 1, nsp
      n_peak = nxl(4)*np_per_xc(ic)
      if (n_peak > 0) then
       do i = 1, n_peak
        uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
        i1 = nptx(ic) + i
        xpt(i1, ic) = xfsh + lpx(4)*uu
        wghpt(i1, ic) = np1*wgh_sp(ic)
       end do
      end if
      nptx(ic) = nptx(ic) + n_peak
     end do
     xfsh = xfsh + lpx(4)
    end if
    !================ cos^2 downramp to second plateau np2*n0 =================
    if (nxl(5) > 0) then
     do ic = 1, nsp
      n_peak = nxl(5)*np_per_xc(ic)
      if (n_peak > 0) then
       do i = 1, n_peak
        uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
        i1 = nptx(ic) + i
        xpt(i1, ic) = xfsh + lpx(5)*uu
        wghpt(i1, ic) = (np2 + (np1 - np2)*cos(0.5*pi*(uu))*cos(0.5*pi*( &
       end do
      end if
      nptx(ic) = nptx(ic) + n_peak
     end do
     xfsh = xfsh + lpx(5)
    end if
    !================ Second plateau of density np2*n0 =================
    if (nxl(6) > 0) then
     do ic = 1, nsp
      n_peak = nxl(6)*np_per_xc(ic)
      do i = 1, n_peak
       uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
       i1 = nptx(ic) + i
       xpt(i1, ic) = xfsh + lpx(6)*uu
       wghpt(i1, ic) = np2*wgh_sp(ic)
      end do
      nptx(ic) = nptx(ic) + n_peak
     end do
     xfsh = xfsh + lpx(6)
    end if

    do ic = 1, nsp
     nptx_alloc(ic) = min(nptx(ic) + 10, nx*np_per_xc(ic))
    end do
   end select
   if (xf0 < 0.) then
    do ic = 1, nsp
     i1 = 0
     if (pe0) write (6, *) 'tot part number', ic, nptx(ic)
     do i = 1, nptx(ic)
      if (xpt(i, ic) > xmin) then
       i1 = i1 + 1
       xpt(i1, ic) = xpt(i, ic)
       wghpt(i1, ic) = wghpt(i, ic)
      end if
     end do
     nptx(ic) = i1
     if (pe0) write (6, *) 'new tot part number', ic, nptx(ic)
    end do
   end if
   do ic = 1, nsp
    nptx_alloc(ic) = min(nptx(ic) + 10, nx*np_per_xc(ic))
   end do
   do ic = 1, nsp
    sptx_max(ic) = nptx(ic)
   end do
   ! END of section setting global coordinates
   ! Restricts to the computational box
   if (pe0) then
    open (12, file='Initial_gas_target_x-profiles', form='formatted')
    do ic = 1, nsp
     i1 = sptx_max(ic)
     write (12, *) 'species ', ic, 'max x-coordinate', i1
     write (12, *) 'particle x-coordinate'
     write (12, '(6e11.4)') xpt(1:i1, ic)
     write (12, *) 'particle weight'
     write (12, '(6e11.4)') wghpt(1:i1, ic)
    end do
    close (12)
   end if
   ! END of section setting global coordinates
   !Resets nptx(ic)=last particle coordinate inside the computational box
   !in the initial condition: for t>0  nptx(ic) updated by mowing window
   do ic = 1, nsp
    i1 = 0
    do j = 1, nptx(ic)
     if (xpt(j, ic) < xmax) i1 = i1 + 1
    end do
    nptx(ic) = i1
   end do
   !=========== Local x-distribution
   !Local to the x-cordinate MPI domain particle number
   allocate (loc_wghx(nptx_max, nsp))
   do ic = 1, nsp
    call set_pgrid_xind(nptx(ic), ic)
   end do
   loc_nptx(1:nsp) = loc_imax(imodx, 1:nsp)
   ! Alocation using a large buffer npt_max=mp_per_cell(1)*nx_loc*ny_loc*nz_loc
   do ic = 1, nsp
    nptx_alloc(ic) = min(loc_nptx(ic) + 10, nx_loc*np_per_xc(ic))
   end do
   do ic = 1, nsp
    nps_loc(ic) = nptx_alloc(ic)*loc_jmax(imody, ic)*loc_kmax(imodz, ic)
   end do
   npmax = maxval(nps_loc(1:nsp))
   call p_alloc(npmax, nd2 + 1, nps_loc, nsp, lpf_ord, 1, 1, mem_psize)
   !==================== Local distribution of nptx particles==================
   call mpi_x_part_distrib(nsp)
   last_particle_index = 0
   !Particles are distributed according to the local
   ![loc_xpt,loc_ypt,loc_zpt] coordinates
   do ic = 1, nsp
    p = 0
    i2 = loc_nptx(ic)
    if (i2 > 0) call pspecies_distribute(spec(ic), t0_pl(ic), &
                                         unit_charge(ic), p, ic, i2, last_particle_index(ic))
    loc_npart(imody, imodz, imodx, ic) = last_particle_index(ic)
   end do
  end subroutine
  subroutine preplasma_multisp(nyh_in, xf0)

   integer, intent(in) :: nyh_in
   real(dp), intent(in) :: xf0
   integer :: p, ip
   integer :: l, i, i1, i2, ic
   integer :: n_peak, nptx_loc(6)
   integer :: npmax, nps_loc(4)
   real(dp) :: uu, np1_loc
   real(dp) :: xp_min, xp_max
   real(dp) :: xfsh, l_inv
   integer :: nxl(6)
   integer :: ip_ion, ip_el, ip_pr
   xp_min = xmin
   xp_max = xmax
   nxl = 0
   !========== uniform y-z distribution of El-Ion layers
   call set_uniform_yz_distrib(nyh_in, 6)
   xtot = 0.0
   do i = 1, 5
    nxl(i) = nint(dx_inv*lpx(i))
    lpx(i) = nxl(i)*dx
    xtot = xtot + lpx(i)
   end do
   nxl(4) = 0 !attached coating
   if (nsp < 3) then
    nxl(5) = 0
    if (pe0) then
     write (6, *) &
      'Warning : for nsp=2 nxl(5) forced to zero => NO coating layer'
    end if
   end if
   xfsh = xf0 + lpx(7)
   targ_in = xfsh
   targ_end = targ_in + xtot
   !               nsp=4 species x-distribution
   !               preplasma
   !            lx(2:3) (Z1-A1+El) central target
   nptx_loc(1:2) = (nxl(2) + nxl(3))*np_per_xc(1:2)
   !            lx(1) (Z1-A1-El) uniform with np1 density pre-plasma
   nptx_loc(3:4) = nxl(1)*np_per_xc(3:4)
   !            lx(5) (Z2-A2+El) ) uniform with np2 density coating
   nptx_loc(5:6) = nxl(5)*np_per_xc(5:6)
   nptx(1) = nptx_loc(1) + nptx_loc(3) + nptx_loc(5) !electrons
   nptx(2) = nptx_loc(2) !Z1-A1 species
   nptx(3) = nptx_loc(4) !Z1-A1 species
   nptx(4) = nptx_loc(6) !Z2-A2  species nlx(5)
   nptx_max = maxval(nptx_loc(1:6))
   allocate (xpt(nptx_max, 6))
   allocate (wghpt(nptx_max, 6))

   allocate (loc_xpt(nptx_max, 6))
   allocate (loc_wghx(nptx_max, 6))
   wghpt(1:nptx_max, 1:6) = one_dp
   ! first layer: electrons and Z1 ions
   !x distribution
   loc_imax(imodx, 1:6) = nptx_loc(1:6)
   nps_loc = 0
   if (nxl(1) > 0) then
    do ic = 3, 4
     n_peak = nptx_loc(ic)
     do i = 1, n_peak
      uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
      xpt(i, ic) = xfsh + lpx(1)*uu
     end do
    end do
    wghpt(1:nptx_loc(3), 3) = np1*j0_norm
    wghpt(1:nptx_loc(4), 4) = np1*j0_norm
    if (mp_per_cell(3) > 0) then
     uu = ratio_mpc(3) !float(mp_per_cell(1))/float(mp_per_cell(3))
     wghpt(1:nptx_loc(3), 3) = wghpt(1:nptx_loc(3), 3)*uu
     uu = ratio_mpc(4)/unit_charge(2) !float(mp_per_cell(1))/float(mp_per_cell(4))
     wghpt(1:nptx_loc(4), 4) = wghpt(1:nptx_loc(4), 4)*uu
    end if
    xfsh = xfsh + lpx(1)
    !=========== Distributes on x-MPI tasks the first layer
    do ic = 3, 4
     i1 = 0
     do i = 1, nptx_loc(ic)
      if (xpt(i, ic) >= loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmin .and. &
          xpt(i, ic) < loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmax) then
       i1 = i1 + 1
       loc_xpt(i1, ic) = xpt(i, ic)
       loc_wghx(i1, ic) = wghpt(i, ic)
      end if
     end do
     loc_imax(imodx, ic) = i1
    end do
    p = imodx
    l = imody
    ip = imodz
    ! Counts particles in first layer

    nps_loc(1) = nps_loc(1) + loc_imax(p, 3)*loc_jmax(l, 3)*loc_kmax(ip, &
    nps_loc(2) = nps_loc(2) + loc_imax(p, 4)*loc_jmax(l, 4)*loc_kmax(ip, &

   end if
   ! Electrons and Z1_ions : central layer
   ! x distribution
   do ic = 1, 2
    n_peak = nptx_loc(ic)
    do i = 1, n_peak
     xpt(i, ic) = xfsh + (lpx(2) + lpx(3))*(real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, &
     wghpt(i, ic) = j0_norm
    end do
   end do
   uu = ratio_mpc(2)/real(ion_min(1), dp)
   ic = 2
   n_peak = nptx_loc(ic)
   wghpt(1:n_peak, ic) = j0_norm*uu
   ! Electrons and Z1 ions have the same weight if uu=1
   xfsh = xfsh + lpx(3) + lpx(2)
   if (np1 > 0.0) then
    np1_loc = np1
    np1_loc = 0.005
   end if
   !======== a preplasma rump
   if (nxl(2) > 0) then
    do ic = 1, 2
     n_peak = nxl(2)*np_per_xc(ic)
     l_inv = log(1./np1_loc)
     do i = 1, n_peak
      uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
      ! rampa esponenziale v1
      ! wghpt(i,ic)=wghpt(i,ic)*exp(-5.*(1.-uu))
      ! rampa esponenziale v2
      ! Same species as later 2 (electrons+Z1-ions)
      wghpt(i, ic) = wghpt(i, ic)*np1_loc*exp(uu*l_inv)
      ! rampa lineare
      ! wghpt(i,ic)=wghpt(i,ic)*uu
     end do
    end do
   end if
   !=========== Distributes on x-MPI tasks
   do ic = 1, 2
    i1 = 0
    do i = 1, nptx_loc(ic)
     if (xpt(i, ic) >= loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmin .and. xpt(i, ic) < loc_xgrid( &
         imodx)%gmax) then
      i1 = i1 + 1
      loc_xpt(i1, ic) = xpt(i, ic)
      loc_wghx(i1, ic) = wghpt(i, ic)
     end if
    end do
    loc_imax(imodx, ic) = i1
   end do
   p = imodx
   l = imody
   ip = imodz

   nps_loc(1) = nps_loc(1) + loc_imax(p, 1)*loc_jmax(l, 1)*loc_kmax(ip, &
   nps_loc(2) = nps_loc(2) + loc_imax(p, 2)*loc_jmax(l, 2)*loc_kmax(ip, &
   if (nptx_loc(5) > 0.0) then
    do ic = 5, 6
     n_peak = nptx_loc(ic)
     do i = 1, n_peak
      xpt(i, ic) = xfsh + lpx(5)*(real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
     end do
     wghpt(1:n_peak, ic) = np2*j0_norm
    end do
    do ic = 5, 6
     if (mp_per_cell(ic) > 0) then
      uu = ratio_mpc(ic) !float(mp_per_cell(1))/float(mp_per_cell(ic))
      n_peak = nptx_loc(ic)
      wghpt(1:n_peak, ic) = wghpt(1:n_peak, ic)*uu
     end if
    end do
    xfsh = xfsh + lpx(5)
    ! Warning : holds for Z2_ion= H(+)
    do ic = 5, 6
     i1 = 0
     do i = 1, nptx_loc(ic)
      if (xpt(i, ic) >= loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmin .and. &
          xpt(i, ic) < loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmax) then
       i1 = i1 + 1
       loc_xpt(i1, ic) = xpt(i, ic)
       loc_wghx(i1, ic) = wghpt(i, ic)
      end if
     end do
     loc_imax(imodx, ic) = i1
    end do
    p = imodx
    l = imody
    ip = imodz

    nps_loc(1) = nps_loc(1) + loc_imax(p, 5)*loc_jmax(l, 5)*loc_kmax(ip, &
    nps_loc(3) = nps_loc(3) + loc_imax(p, 6)*loc_jmax(l, 6)*loc_kmax(ip, &

   end if
   npmax = maxval(nps_loc(1:nsp))
   npmax = max(npmax, 1)
   call p_alloc(npmax, nd2 + 1, nps_loc, nsp, lpf_ord, 1, 1, mem_psize)
   ip_el = 0
   ip_pr = 0
   ip_ion = 0
   ! The first electron-proton(or C) foam layer
   if (nxl(1) > 0) then
    p = 0
    i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 3)
    call pspecies_distribute(spec(1), t0_pl(1), unit_charge(1), p, 3, &
                             i2, ip_el)
    p = 0
    i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 4)
    call pspecies_distribute(spec(2), t0_pl(2), unit_charge(2), p, 4, &
                             i2, ip_ion)
   end if
   ! The second electron-ion solid electron-Z1 layer
   p = ip_el
   i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 1)
   call pspecies_distribute(spec(1), t0_pl(1), unit_charge(1), p, 1, i2, &

   p = ip_ion
   i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 2)
   call pspecies_distribute(spec(2), t0_pl(2), unit_charge(2), p, 2, i2, &
   ! The third electron-proton layer
   if (nxl(5) > 0.0) then
    p = ip_el
    i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 5)
    call pspecies_distribute(spec(1), t0_pl(1), unit_charge(1), p, 5, &
                             i2, ip_el)
    p = 0
    i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 6)
    call pspecies_distribute(spec(3), t0_pl(3), unit_charge(3), p, 6, &
                             i2, ip_pr)
   end if

   do ic = 1, nsp
    loc_npart(imody, imodz, imodx, ic) = nps_loc(ic)
   end do

  end subroutine
  subroutine multi_layer_twosp_target(nyh_in, xf0)

   integer, intent(in) :: nyh_in
   real(dp), intent(in) :: xf0
   integer :: p, ip, l, i, i1, i2, ic, n_peak, nptx_loc(6)
   integer :: npmax, nps_loc(4)
   real(dp) :: l_inv, uu, np1_loc, xp_min, xp_max
   real(dp) :: xfsh, wgh_sp(6)
   integer :: nxl(6)
   integer :: ip_ion, ip_el, ip_pr
   xp_min = xmin
   xp_max = xmax
   call set_uniform_yz_distrib(nyh_in, 6)
   nxl = 0
   !x- distribution

   xtot = 0.0
   do i = 1, 5
    nxl(i) = nint(dx_inv*lpx(i))
    lpx(i) = nxl(i)*dx
    xtot = xtot + lpx(i)
   end do
   xfsh = xf0 + lpx(7)
   targ_in = xfsh
   targ_end = targ_in + xtot
   if (nsp < 3) then
    nxl(1) = 0
    nxl(5) = 0
    if (pe0) then
     write (6, *) 'Warning : for nsp=2 nxl(1) and nxl(5) forced to zero'
    end if
   end if
   ! Species x-distribution
   !=========np_per_xc(1:2) electrons and Z1-ions in   ramp +  central layer
   !sizes lpx(2)+lpx(3)
   !========= np_per_xc(3:4) electrons and Z2-ions in layer 1
   !size lpx(1)
   !========= np_per_xc(5:6) electrons and Z3-ions in layer 3 +ramp
   !                                                  sizes lpx(4)+lpx(5)
   nptx_loc(1:2) = (nxl(2) + nxl(3))*np_per_xc(1:2) !Z1 ions
   nptx_loc(3:4) = nxl(1)*np_per_xc(3:4) !Z2 ions
   nptx_loc(5:6) = nxl(5)*np_per_xc(5:6) !Z3 ions
   nptx(1) = nptx_loc(1) + nptx_loc(3) + nptx_loc(5) !electrons
   nptx(2) = nptx_loc(2) !Z1-A1 species
   nptx(3) = nptx_loc(4) + nptx_loc(6) !Z2-A2  species nxl(1)+nlx(4)
   nptx_max = maxval(nptx_loc(1:6))
   allocate (xpt(nptx_max, 6))
   allocate (wghpt(nptx_max, 6))

   allocate (loc_xpt(nptx_max, 6))
   allocate (loc_wghx(nptx_max, 6))
   wghpt(1:nptx_max, 1:6) = 1.
   ! nsp=1-4 ordering: electrons+ Z1 ions + Z2 ions +Z3 ions
   !Weights for multilayer multisp targets
   ! first layer: electrons and Z2 (protons) ions
   wgh_sp(3) = 1./real(mp_per_cell(3), dp)
   wgh_sp(4) = 1./(real(ion_min(2), dp)*real(mp_per_cell(4), dp))
   ! central layer: electrons and Z1 ions
   wgh_sp(1) = j0_norm
   wgh_sp(2) = wgh_ion !ion spec 1 (ionizable)
   ! coiating layer: electrons and Z3 (H+)
   wgh_sp(5) = 1./real(mp_per_cell(5), dp)
   wgh_sp(6) = 1./(real(ion_min(2), dp)*real(mp_per_cell(6), dp))
   !x distribution
   loc_imax(imodx, 1:6) = nptx_loc(1:6)
   nps_loc = 0
   if (nxl(1) > 0) then
    do ic = 3, 4
     n_peak = nptx_loc(ic)
     do i = 1, n_peak
      uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
      xpt(i, ic) = xfsh + lpx(1)*uu
      wghpt(i, ic) = np1*wgh_sp(ic)
     end do
    end do
    xfsh = xfsh + lpx(1)
    !=========== Distributes on x-MPI tasks
    do ic = 3, 4
     i1 = 0
     do i = 1, nptx_loc(ic)
      if (xpt(i, ic) >= loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmin .and. &
          xpt(i, ic) < loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmax) then
       i1 = i1 + 1
       loc_xpt(i1, ic) = xpt(i, ic)
       loc_wghx(i1, ic) = wghpt(i, ic)
      end if
     end do
     loc_imax(imodx, ic) = i1
    end do
    p = imodx
    l = imody
    ip = imodz
    ! Counts particles (e+Z2 ions)

    nps_loc(1) = nps_loc(1) + loc_imax(p, 3)*loc_jmax(l, 3)*loc_kmax(ip, &
    nps_loc(3) = nps_loc(3) + loc_imax(p, 4)*loc_jmax(l, 4)*loc_kmax(ip, &
   end if
   ! Electrons and Z1_ions : central layer
   ! x distribution
   do ic = 1, 2
    n_peak = nptx_loc(ic)
    n_peak = max(1, n_peak)
    do i = 1, n_peak
     xpt(i, ic) = xfsh + (lpx(2) + lpx(3))*(real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, &
     wghpt(i, ic) = wgh_sp(ic)
    end do
   end do
   ! WARNING : electrons and Z1 ions have the same weight
   ! if mp_per_cell(1)=Z1*mp_per_cell(2)
   xfsh = xfsh + lpx(3) + lpx(2)
   if (np1 > 0.0) then
    np1_loc = np1
    np1_loc = 0.005
   end if
   !======== a preplasma rump
   if (nxl(2) > 0) then
    do ic = 1, 2
     n_peak = nxl(2)*np_per_xc(ic)
     l_inv = log(1./np1_loc)
     do i = 1, n_peak
      uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
      ! rampa esponenziale v1
      ! wghpt(i,ic)=wghpt(i,ic)*exp(-5.*(1.-uu))
      ! rampa esponenziale v2
      ! Same species as later 2 (electrons+Z1-ions)
      wghpt(i, ic) = wghpt(i, ic)*np1_loc*exp(uu*l_inv)
      ! rampa lineare
      ! wghpt(i,ic)=wghpt(i,ic)*uu
     end do
    end do
   end if
   !=========== Distributes on x-MPI tasks
   do ic = 1, 2
    i1 = 0
    do i = 1, nptx_loc(ic)
     if (xpt(i, ic) >= loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmin .and. xpt(i, ic) < loc_xgrid( &
         imodx)%gmax) then
      i1 = i1 + 1
      loc_xpt(i1, ic) = xpt(i, ic)
      loc_wghx(i1, ic) = wghpt(i, ic)
     end if
    end do
    loc_imax(imodx, ic) = i1
   end do
   p = imodx
   l = imody
   ip = imodz

   nps_loc(1) = nps_loc(1) + loc_imax(p, 1)*loc_jmax(l, 1)*loc_kmax(ip, &
   nps_loc(2) = nps_loc(2) + loc_imax(p, 2)*loc_jmax(l, 2)*loc_kmax(ip, &
   if (nptx_loc(5) > 0.0) then
    do ic = 5, 6
     n_peak = nptx_loc(ic)
     do i = 1, n_peak
      xpt(i, ic) = xfsh + lpx(5)*(real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
      wghpt(i, ic) = np2*wgh_sp(ic)
     end do
    end do
    xfsh = xfsh + lpx(5)
    do ic = 5, 6
     i1 = 0
     do i = 1, nptx_loc(ic)
      if (xpt(i, ic) >= loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmin .and. &
          xpt(i, ic) < loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmax) then
       i1 = i1 + 1
       loc_xpt(i1, ic) = xpt(i, ic)
       loc_wghx(i1, ic) = wghpt(i, ic)
      end if
     end do
     loc_imax(imodx, ic) = i1
    end do
    p = imodx
    l = imody
    ip = imodz

    nps_loc(1) = nps_loc(1) + loc_imax(p, 5)*loc_jmax(l, 5)*loc_kmax(ip, &
    nps_loc(3) = nps_loc(3) + loc_imax(p, 6)*loc_jmax(l, 6)*loc_kmax(ip, &

   end if
   npmax = maxval(nps_loc(1:nsp))
   npmax = max(npmax, 1)
   call p_alloc(npmax, nd2 + 1, nps_loc, nsp, lpf_ord, 1, 1, mem_psize)
   ip_el = 0
   ip_pr = 0
   ip_ion = 0
   ! The first electron-proton(or C) foam layer
   if (nxl(1) > 0) then
    p = 0
    i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 3)
    call pspecies_distribute(spec(1), t0_pl(1), unit_charge(1), p, 3, &
                             i2, ip_el)
    p = 0
    i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 4)
    call pspecies_distribute(spec(3), t0_pl(3), unit_charge(3), p, 4, &
                             i2, ip_pr)
   end if
   ! The second electron-ion solid electron-Z1 layer
   p = ip_el
   i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 1)
   call pspecies_distribute(spec(1), t0_pl(1), unit_charge(1), p, 1, i2, &

   p = 0
   i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 2)
   call pspecies_distribute(spec(2), t0_pl(2), unit_charge(2), p, 2, i2, &
   ! The third electron-proton layer
   if (nxl(5) > 0.0) then
    p = ip_el
    i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 5)
    call pspecies_distribute(spec(1), t0_pl(1), unit_charge(1), p, 5, &
                             i2, ip)
    p = ip_pr
    i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 6)
    call pspecies_distribute(spec(3), t0_pl(3), unit_charge(3), p, 6, &
                             i2, ip)
   end if

   do ic = 1, nsp
    loc_npart(imody, imodz, imodx, ic) = nps_loc(ic)
   end do

  end subroutine
  subroutine multi_layer_threesp_target(nyh_in, xf0)

   integer, intent(in) :: nyh_in
   real(dp), intent(in) :: xf0
   integer :: p, ip
   integer :: l, i, i1, i2, ic
   integer :: n_peak, nptx_loc(7)
   integer :: npmax, nps_loc(4)
   real(dp) :: uu, xp_min, xp_max, np1_loc
   real(dp) :: xfsh, l_inv, wgh_sp(7)
   integer :: nxl(6)
   integer :: ip_ion, ip_el, ip_pr
   call set_uniform_yz_distrib(nyh_in, 7)
   xp_min = xmin
   xp_max = xmax
   ! weights in central layer are wgh_sp(1:3)
   nxl = 0
   ! Multispecies  designed for nsp >2
   ! Particles distribution np_per_yc(1:3) and np_per_xc(1:3) central target
   ! (El+Z1+ Z2
   !                        np_per_yc(5:6) and np_per_xc(5:6)
   !                        contaminants (El+Z3) in front and rear layers
   !                        if contaminants: nsp=4(Z3/= Z2) if nps=3 Z3=Z2
   !WARNING  nm_per_cell(1:3) and mp_per_cell(5:6) have to be set in a way global
   !zero charge per cell is assured
   ! In central layer:
   ! Electron number mp_per_cell(1)= Z1*mp_per_cell(2) +Z2*mp_per_cell(3)
   xtot = 0.0
   do i = 1, 5
    nxl(i) = nint(dx_inv*lpx(i))
    lpx(i) = nxl(i)*dx
    xtot = xtot + lpx(i)
   end do
   xfsh = xf0 + lpx(7)
   targ_in = xfsh
   targ_end = targ_in + xtot
   ! Species x-distribution
   !=  np_per_xc(1:3) electrons, Z1 and Z2 ions in central layer lpx(2)+lpx(3)
   !=  np_per_xc(5:6) electrons and Z3-ions front and rear side contaminants (same
   !composition) If nsp=3 Z3=Z2
   nptx_loc(1:3) = (nxl(2) + nxl(3))*np_per_xc(1:3)
   nptx_loc(4:5) = nxl(1)*np_per_xc(5:6)
   nptx_loc(6:7) = nxl(5)*np_per_xc(5:6)
   !============ nptx(nsp)  distribution
   nptx(1) = nptx_loc(1) + nptx_loc(4) + nptx_loc(6) !electrons
   nptx(2) = nptx_loc(2) !Z1-A1 species
   nptx(3) = nptx_loc(3) !Z2-A2 species
   nptx(4) = nptx_loc(5) + nptx_loc(7) !Z3-A3  species in nxl(1) and nxl(5) layer
   nptx_max = maxval(nptx_loc(1:7))
   allocate (xpt(nptx_max, 7))
   allocate (wghpt(nptx_max, 7))

   allocate (loc_xpt(nptx_max, 7))
   allocate (loc_wghx(nptx_max, 7))
   wghpt(1:nptx_max, 1:7) = 1.
   ! nsp ordering: electrons+ Z1 ions + Z2 ions
   ! first and last layers: electrons and Z3 (protons) ions
   loc_imax(imodx, 1:7) = nptx_loc(1:7)
   nps_loc = 0
   wgh_sp(1) = j0_norm*ratio_mpc(5)
   wgh_sp(2) = j0_norm*ratio_mpc(6)/real(ion_min(nsp - 1), dp)
   wgh_sp(3:5) = j0_norm
   if (nxl(1) > 0) then !first contaminant layer El+Z(nsp-1)
    do ic = 4, 5
     n_peak = nptx_loc(ic)
     do i = 1, n_peak
      uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
      xpt(i, ic) = xfsh + lpx(1)*uu
      wghpt(i, ic) = np1*wgh_sp(ic) !pp weights using mp_per_cell(5:6)
     end do
    end do
    xfsh = xfsh + lpx(1)
    !=========== Distributes on x-MPI tasks
    do ic = 4, 5
     i1 = 0
     do i = 1, nptx_loc(ic)
      if (xpt(i, ic) >= loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmin .and. &
          xpt(i, ic) < loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmax) then
       i1 = i1 + 1
       loc_xpt(i1, ic) = xpt(i, ic)
       loc_wghx(i1, ic) = wghpt(i, ic)
      end if
     end do
     loc_imax(imodx, ic) = i1
    end do
    p = imodx
    l = imody
    ip = imodz
    ! Counts particles (e+Z3 ions)

    nps_loc(1) = nps_loc(1) + loc_imax(p, 4)*loc_jmax(l, 4)*loc_kmax(ip, &
    nps_loc(nsp) = nps_loc(nsp) + loc_imax(p, 5)*loc_jmax(l, 5)*loc_kmax &
                   (ip, 5)

   end if
   ! Electrons and (Z1+Z2)_ions : central layer with lpx(2) preplasma
   ! x distribution
   np1_loc = 0.005
   if (np1 > 0.0) np1_loc = np1
   l_inv = log(1./np1_loc)
   do ic = 1, 3
    n_peak = nptx_loc(ic) !central target
    do i = 1, n_peak
     uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
     xpt(i, ic) = xfsh + (lpx(2) + lpx(3))*uu
     wghpt(i, ic) = wgh_sp(ic) !weights usig mp_per_cell(1:3)  (El, Z1, Z2) ions
    end do
    if (nxl(2) > 0) then
     n_peak = nxl(2)*np_per_xc(ic) !preplasma
     do i = 1, n_peak
      uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
      wghpt(i, ic) = wghpt(i, ic)*np1_loc*exp(uu*l_inv)
     end do
    end if
   end do
   xfsh = xfsh + lpx(3) + lpx(2)
   ! Charge equilibria mp_per_cell(4)*Z1 +mp_per_cell(5)*Z3= mp_per_cell(1)
   !=========== Distributes on x-MPI tasks
   do ic = 1, 3
    i1 = 0
    do i = 1, nptx_loc(ic)
     if (xpt(i, ic) >= loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmin .and. xpt(i, ic) < loc_xgrid( &
         imodx)%gmax) then
      i1 = i1 + 1
      loc_xpt(i1, ic) = xpt(i, ic)
      loc_wghx(i1, ic) = wghpt(i, ic)
     end if
    end do
    loc_imax(imodx, ic) = i1
   end do
   p = imodx
   l = imody
   ip = imodz

   nps_loc(1) = nps_loc(1) + loc_imax(p, 1)*loc_jmax(l, 1)*loc_kmax(ip, &
   nps_loc(2) = nps_loc(2) + loc_imax(p, 2)*loc_jmax(l, 2)*loc_kmax(ip, &
   nps_loc(3) = nps_loc(3) + loc_imax(p, 3)*loc_jmax(l, 3)*loc_kmax(ip, &
   if (lpx(5) > 0.0) then
    do ic = 6, 7
     n_peak = nptx_loc(ic)
     do i = 1, n_peak
      xpt(i, ic) = xfsh + lpx(5)*(real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
      wghpt(i, ic) = np2*wgh_sp(ic - 5) !weights using mp_per_cell(5:6) as in layer lpx(1)
     end do
    end do
    xfsh = xfsh + lpx(5)
    do ic = 6, 7
     i1 = 0
     do i = 1, nptx_loc(ic)
      if (xpt(i, ic) >= loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmin .and. &
          xpt(i, ic) < loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmax) then
       i1 = i1 + 1
       loc_xpt(i1, ic) = xpt(i, ic)
       loc_wghx(i1, ic) = wghpt(i, ic)
      end if
     end do
     loc_imax(imodx, ic) = i1
    end do
    p = imodx
    l = imody
    ip = imodz

    nps_loc(1) = nps_loc(1) + loc_imax(p, 6)*loc_jmax(l, 6)*loc_kmax(ip, &
    nps_loc(nsp) = nps_loc(nsp) + loc_imax(p, 7)*loc_jmax(l, 7)*loc_kmax &
                   (ip, 7)

   end if
   npmax = maxval(nps_loc(1:nsp))
   npmax = max(npmax, 1)
   call p_alloc(npmax, nd2 + 1, nps_loc, nsp, lpf_ord, 1, 1, mem_psize)
   ip_el = 0
   ip_pr = 0
   ip_ion = 0
   ! The first electron-Z3 layer
   if (nxl(1) > 0) then
    p = 0
    i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 4)
    call pspecies_distribute(spec(1), t0_pl(1), unit_charge(1), p, 4, &
                             i2, ip_el)
    p = 0
    i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 5)
    call pspecies_distribute(spec(nsp), t0_pl(nsp), unit_charge(nsp), p, &
                             5, i2, ip_pr)
    !Z3 for nsp=4  Z3=Z2 for nsp=3
   end if
   ! The second solid electron-Z1-Z2 layer
   p = ip_el
   i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 1)
   call pspecies_distribute(spec(1), t0_pl(1), unit_charge(1), p, 1, i2, &
   p = 0
   i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 2)
   call pspecies_distribute(spec(2), t0_pl(2), unit_charge(2), p, 2, i2, &
   p = 0
   if (nsp == 3) p = ip_pr
   i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 3)
   call pspecies_distribute(spec(3), t0_pl(3), unit_charge(3), p, 3, i2, &
   ! The third electron-proton layer
   if (nxl(5) > 0.0) then
    p = ip_el
    i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 6)
    call pspecies_distribute(spec(1), t0_pl(1), unit_charge(1), p, 6, &
                             i2, ip)
    p = ip_pr
    if (nsp == 3) p = ip_ion
    i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 7)
    call pspecies_distribute(spec(nsp), t0_pl(nsp), unit_charge(nsp), p, &
                             7, i2, ip)
   end if

   do ic = 1, nsp
    loc_npart(imody, imodz, imodx, ic) = nps_loc(ic)
   end do

  end subroutine
  subroutine one_layer_nano_wires(nyh_in, xf0)

   integer, intent(in) :: nyh_in
   real(dp), intent(in) :: xf0
   integer :: p, ip
   integer :: l, i, i1, i2, ic
   integer :: np_per_zcell(6), n_peak
   integer :: nptx_loc(8)
   integer :: npty_layer(8), npyc(8), npty_ne, nptz_ne
   integer :: npmax, nps_loc(4)
   real(dp) :: uu, yy, dxip, dpy
   real(dp) :: zp_min, zp_max, yp_min, yp_max, xp_min, xp_max
   real(dp) :: xfsh, dlpy, tot_lpy, loc_ymp
   integer :: z2, nxl(6), nyl1, nlpy, nholes
   integer :: ip_ion, ip_el, ip_pr, nwires
   real(dp), allocatable :: wy(:, :), wz(:, :), wyz(:, :, :)
   !++++++++++++++++ WARNING
   ! ONLY layers (3) and (4) n_over_nc, np2*n_over_nc layer (5)
   xp_min = xmin
   xp_max = xmax
   np_per_zcell(1:6) = 1
   nxl = 0
   z2 = ion_min(nsp - 1)
   !========= gridding the transverese target size
   nyl1 = 1 + ny/2 - nyh_in/2 !=1 if nyh_in=ny
   yp_min = ymin_t
   yp_max = ymax_t

   dlpy = lpy(1) !nanowire (y,z) thickness
   tot_lpy = dlpy + lpy(2) !distance among elements (void+nanowire)`
   nwires = nint((yp_max - yp_min)/tot_lpy) !numbers of lpy elements
   nlpy = nint(dy_inv*dlpy) ! cell numbers in dlpy
   nholes = nint(dy_inv*lpy(2)) ! cell number in the lpy(2) interwire region
   if (pe0) then
    write (6, '(a18,i6)') ' Nanowires number ', nwires
    write (6, '(a23,i6)') ' Grid-points per nanow ', nlpy
   end if
   ! Multispecies
   npty = maxval(np_per_yc(1:6))
   npty = nyh_in*npty
   nptz = 1
   if (ndim == 3) then
    np_per_zcell(1:6) = np_per_yc(1:6)
    zp_min = zmin_t !-Lz
    zp_max = zmax_t !+Lz
    nptz = maxval(np_per_zc(1:6))
    nptz = nyh_in*nptz
   end if
   allocate (ypt(npty + 1, 8))
   allocate (zpt(nptz + 1, 8))
   allocate (wy(npty + 1, 8))
   allocate (wz(nptz + 1, 8))
   allocate (wyz(npty + 1, nptz + 1, 8))
   ypt = 0.
   zpt = 0.
   wy = 1.
   wz = 1.
   wyz = 1.
   allocate (loc_jmax(0:npe_yloc - 1, 1:8))
   allocate (loc_kmax(0:npe_zloc - 1, 1:8))
   allocate (loc_imax(0:npe_xloc - 1, 1:8))
   !layers in y-z transverse coordinates
   npyc(1:2) = np_per_yc(1:2) !layer of nano_wires electron+Z1_ion
   npyc(3:4) = np_per_yc(1:2) !layer of inter wire plasma of np1 density layer[1:4] of x-length=lpx(3)
   npyc(5:6) = np_per_yc(3:4) !bulk of electron-Z1_ion      x-length lpx(4)
   npyc(7:8) = np_per_yc(5:6) ! coating of electron-Z2_ion      x-length lpx(5)
   nptz_ne = 1
   if (nwires > 2) then
    do ic = 1, 2
     npty_ne = nlpy*npyc(ic) !number of yp points in a dlpy layer
     i2 = 0
     loc_ymp = yp_min + lpy(2)
     do i1 = 1, nwires !layers of lpy=dlpy(1+rat) length
      dpy = dlpy/real(npty_ne, dp)
      do i = 1, npty_ne
       ypt(i + i2, ic) = loc_ymp + dpy*(real(i, dp) - 0.1)
      end do
      i2 = i2 + npty_ne
      loc_ymp = loc_ymp + tot_lpy
     end do
     npty_layer(ic) = i2
    end do
    do ic = 3, 4
     npty_ne = nholes*npyc(ic) !number of yp points in a lpy(2) layer
     i2 = 0
     loc_ymp = yp_min
     do i1 = 1, nwires
      dpy = lpy(2)/real(npty_ne, dp)
      do i = 1, npty_ne
       ypt(i + i2, ic) = loc_ymp + dpy*(real(i, dp) - 0.1)
      end do
      i2 = i2 + npty_ne
      loc_ymp = loc_ymp + tot_lpy
     end do
     npty_layer(ic) = i2
    end do
    if (lpx(4) <= 0) then
     do ic = 7, 8
      npty_ne = nlpy*npyc(ic) !number of yp points in a dlpy layer
      i2 = 0
      loc_ymp = yp_min + lpy(2)
      do i1 = 1, nwires !layers of lpy=dlpy(1+rat) length
       dpy = dlpy/real(npty_ne, dp)
       do i = 1, npty_ne
        ypt(i + i2, ic) = loc_ymp + dpy*(real(i, dp) - 0.1)
       end do
       i2 = i2 + npty_ne
       loc_ymp = loc_ymp + tot_lpy
      end do
      npty_layer(ic) = i2
     end do
    end if
   else !two nanowires filled with n1_over_nc (el+Z1) plasma
    do ic = 1, 2
     npty_ne = nlpy*npyc(ic) !number of yp points in a dlpy layer
     i2 = 0
     loc_ymp = -0.5*tot_lpy
     dpy = dlpy/real(npty_ne, dp)
     do i = 1, npty_ne
      ypt(i + i2, ic) = loc_ymp + dpy*(real(i, dp) - 0.1)
     end do
     loc_ymp = loc_ymp + lpy(2) !first layer
     i2 = i2 + npty_ne
     do i = 1, npty_ne
      ypt(i + i2, ic) = loc_ymp + dpy*(real(i, dp) - 0.1)
     end do
     i2 = i2 + npty_ne
     npty_layer(ic) = i2
    end do
    do ic = 3, 4
     npty_ne = nholes*npyc(ic) !number of yp points in a lpy(2) layer
     loc_ymp = -0.5*lpy(2)
     dpy = lpy(2)/real(npty_ne, dp)
     do i = 1, npty_ne
      ypt(i, ic) = loc_ymp + dpy*(real(i, dp) - 0.1)
     end do
     npty_layer(ic) = npty_ne
    end do
    if (lpx(4) <= 0) then
     do ic = 7, 8
      npty_ne = nlpy*npyc(ic) !number of yp points in a dlpy layer
      i2 = 0
      loc_ymp = -0.5*tot_lpy
      dpy = dlpy/real(npty_ne, dp)
      do i = 1, npty_ne
       ypt(i + i2, ic) = loc_ymp + dpy*(real(i, dp) - 0.1)
      end do
      loc_ymp = loc_ymp + lpy(2) !first layer
      i2 = i2 + npty_ne
      do i = 1, npty_ne
       ypt(i + i2, ic) = loc_ymp + dpy*(real(i, dp) - 0.1)
      end do
      i2 = i2 + npty_ne
      npty_layer(ic) = i2
     end do
    end if
   end if
   !============= Uniform y-z distribution in layers [5-8]
   do ic = 5, 6
    npty_layer(ic) = nyh_in*npyc(ic)
    npty_ne = npty_layer(ic)
    dpy = (yp_max - yp_min)/real(npty_ne, dp)
    do i = 1, npty_ne
     ypt(i, ic) = yp_min + dpy*(real(i, dp) - 0.5)
    end do
   end do
   if (lpx(4) > 0) then
    do ic = 7, 8
     npty_layer(ic) = nyh_in*npyc(ic)
     npty_ne = npty_layer(ic)
     dpy = (yp_max - yp_min)/real(npty_ne, dp)
     do i = 1, npty_ne
      ypt(i, ic) = yp_min + dpy*(real(i, dp) - 0.5)
     end do
    end do
   end if
   !========= For all (y,z) coordinates
   do ic = 1, 8
    npty_ne = npty_layer(ic)
    if (stretch) then
     yy = str_ygrid%smin
     if (yy > yp_min) then
      dpy = dyi/real(npyc(ic), dp)
      i1 = (str_ygrid%sind(1) - nyl1 + 1)*npyc(ic)
      i2 = npty_ne - i1
      do i = 1, i1
       dxip = dpy*(real(i - i1, dp) - 0.5)
       ypt(i, ic) = str_ygrid%smin + l_s*tan(dxip)
       wy(i, ic) = 1./(cos(dxip)*cos(dxip))
      end do
      dxip = dy/real(npyc(ic), dp)
      do i = i1 + 1, i2
       ypt(i, ic) = str_ygrid%smin + dxip*(real(i - i1, dp) - 0.5)
      end do
      do i = i2 + 1, npty_ne
       dxip = dpy*(real(i - i2, dp) - 0.5)
       ypt(i, ic) = str_ygrid%smax + l_s*tan(dxip)
       wy(i, ic) = 1./(cos(dxip)*cos(dxip))
      end do
     end if
    end if
    !============= end stretching correction
    nptz_ne = 1
    if (ndim == 3) then
     zpt(1:npty_ne, ic) = ypt(1:npty_ne, ic)
     wz(1:npty_ne, ic) = wy(1:npty_ne, ic)
     nptz_ne = npty_ne
    end if
    call set_pgrid_ind(npty_ne, nptz_ne, ic)
   end do
   !=================== y-z data on local arrays
   loc_npty(1:8) = loc_jmax(imody, 1:8)
   loc_nptz(1:8) = loc_kmax(imodz, 1:8)
   npty_ne = 1
   nptz_ne = 1
   npty_ne = maxval(loc_npty(1:8))
   nptz_ne = maxval(loc_nptz(1:8))
   allocate (loc_wghyz(npty_ne, nptz_ne, 8))
   allocate (loc_ypt(npty_ne, 8))
   allocate (loc_zpt(nptz_ne, 8))
   loc_wghyz = 1.
   call mpi_yz_part_distrib(8, loc_npty, loc_nptz, npty_layer, &
                            npty_layer, ymin_t, zmin_t, wyz)
   !Longitudinal layer distribution
   xtot = 0.0
   lpx(1:2) = 0.0 !only layers 3-4-5
   do i = 1, 5
    nxl(i) = nint(dx_inv*lpx(i))
    lpx(i) = nxl(i)*dx
    xtot = xtot + lpx(i)
   end do
   xfsh = xf0
   targ_in = xfsh
   targ_end = targ_in + xtot
   ! Input particles
   !====np_per_xc(1:2) electrons and Z1 ions in the nanowires target +
   !internanow-plasma => lpx(3)
   !====np_per_xc(3:4) electrons and Z1 ions in bulk layer
   !=== np_per_xc(5:6) electrons and Z2=proton in contaminant layer
   !  Particles grid ordering
   !  only nxl(3) nxl(4) and nxl(5) layers activated
   nptx_loc(1:2) = nxl(3)*np_per_xc(1:2) !inter-wire  electrons+Z1-ion plasma
   nptx_loc(3:4) = nptx_loc(1:2) !nanowires electron-Z1 ions
   nptx_loc(5:6) = nxl(4)*np_per_xc(3:4) !bulk layer electrons +Z1 ions
   nptx_loc(7:8) = nxl(5)*np_per_xc(5:6) !contaminant electrons +Z2 ions (proton)

   nptx_max = maxval(nptx_loc(1:8))
   allocate (xpt(nptx_max, 8))
   allocate (wghpt(nptx_max, 8))

   allocate (loc_xpt(nptx_max, 8))
   allocate (loc_wghx(nptx_max, 8))
   wghpt(1:nptx_max, 1:8) = 1.
   loc_imax(imodx, 1:8) = nptx_loc(1:8)
   nps_loc(1:nsp) = 0
   ! Nanowires x-layer: electrons and Z1-ions
   ! nanowires density is the reference density
   if (nxl(3) > 0) then
    do ic = 1, 2
     n_peak = nptx_loc(ic)
     if (n_peak > 0) then
      do i = 1, n_peak
       uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
       xpt(i, ic) = xfsh + lpx(3)*uu
       wghpt(i, ic) = ratio_mpc(ic)*j0_norm
       xpt(i, ic + 2) = xpt(i, ic)
       wghpt(i, ic + 2) = np1*wghpt(i, ic) !inter-wire plasma (or vacuum)
      end do
     end if
     !========================= np1>0 a low density  interwire plasma
    end do
    xfsh = xfsh + lpx(3)
    !============= first x-layer distributed on locx mpi tasks
    do ic = 1, 2
     i1 = 0
     do i = 1, nptx_loc(ic)
      if (xpt(i, ic) >= loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmin .and. &
          xpt(i, ic) < loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmax) then
       i1 = i1 + 1
       loc_xpt(i1, ic) = xpt(i, ic)
       loc_wghx(i1, ic) = wghpt(i, ic)
       loc_xpt(i1, ic + 2) = xpt(i, ic + 2)
       loc_wghx(i1, ic + 2) = wghpt(i, ic + 2)
      end if
     end do
     loc_imax(imodx, ic) = i1
     loc_imax(imodx, ic + 2) = i1
    end do
    p = imodx
    l = imody
    ip = imodz
    nps_loc = 0
    ! Counts particles

    nps_loc(1) = nps_loc(1) + loc_imax(p, 1)*loc_jmax(l, 1)*loc_kmax(ip, &
    nps_loc(2) = nps_loc(2) + loc_imax(p, 2)*loc_jmax(l, 2)*loc_kmax(ip, &
    if (np1 > 0.0) then
     nps_loc(1) = nps_loc(1) + loc_imax(p, 3)*loc_jmax(l, 3)*loc_kmax(ip &
                                                                      , 3)
     nps_loc(2) = nps_loc(2) + loc_imax(p, 4)*loc_jmax(l, 4)*loc_kmax(ip &
                                                                      , 4)
    end if
   end if
   !  Electrons and Z1_ions: bulk layer
   !     x distribution. Density given by the particle density mpc(3:4)
   if (nxl(4) > 0) then
    do ic = 5, 6
     n_peak = nptx_loc(ic)
     if (n_peak > 0) then
      do i = 1, n_peak
       xpt(i, ic) = xfsh + lpx(4)*(real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
       uu = j0_norm*ratio_mpc(ic - 2)
       wghpt(i, ic) = uu
      end do
     end if
    end do
    xfsh = xfsh + lpx(4)
    do ic = 5, 6
     i1 = 0
     do i = 1, nptx_loc(ic)
      if (xpt(i, ic) >= loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmin .and. &
          xpt(i, ic) < loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmax) then
       i1 = i1 + 1
       loc_xpt(i1, ic) = xpt(i, ic)
       loc_wghx(i1, ic) = wghpt(i, ic)
      end if
     end do
     loc_imax(imodx, ic) = i1
    end do
    p = imodx
    l = imody
    ip = imodz

    nps_loc(1) = nps_loc(1) + loc_imax(p, 5)*loc_jmax(l, 5)*loc_kmax(ip, &
    nps_loc(2) = nps_loc(2) + loc_imax(p, 6)*loc_jmax(l, 6)*loc_kmax(ip, &
   end if
   !  Electrons and Z3_ions contaminants
   !     x distribution density given by np2
   if (nxl(5) > 0) then
    do ic = 7, 8
     n_peak = nptx_loc(ic)
     if (n_peak > 0) then
      do i = 1, n_peak
       xpt(i, ic) = xfsh + lpx(5)*(real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
       uu = j0_norm*ratio_mpc(ic - 2)
       wghpt(i, ic) = uu*np2
      end do
     end if
    end do
    ic = 8
    n_peak = nptx_loc(ic)
    wghpt(1:n_peak, ic) = wghpt(1:n_peak, ic)/real(ion_min(nsp - 1), dp)
    xfsh = xfsh + lpx(5)
    do ic = 7, 8
     i1 = 0
     do i = 1, nptx_loc(ic)
      if (xpt(i, ic) >= loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmin .and. &
          xpt(i, ic) < loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmax) then
       i1 = i1 + 1
       loc_xpt(i1, ic) = xpt(i, ic)
       loc_wghx(i1, ic) = wghpt(i, ic)
      end if
     end do
     loc_imax(imodx, ic) = i1 - 1
    end do
    p = imodx
    l = imody
    ip = imodz

    nps_loc(1) = nps_loc(1) + loc_imax(p, 7)*loc_jmax(l, 7)*loc_kmax(ip, &
    nps_loc(nsp) = nps_loc(nsp) + loc_imax(p, 8)*loc_jmax(l, 8)*loc_kmax &
                   (ip, 8)
   end if
   !==============END target x-distribution
   npmax = maxval(nps_loc(1:nsp))
   npmax = max(npmax, 1)
   call p_alloc(npmax, nd2 + 1, nps_loc, nsp, lpf_ord, 1, 1, mem_psize)
   ip_el = 0
   ip_pr = 0
   ip_ion = 0
   ! The first electron-Z1-ions nanowires layer
   if (nxl(3) > 0) then
    p = 0
    i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 1)
    call pspecies_distribute(spec(1), t0_pl(1), unit_charge(1), p, 1, &
                             i2, ip_el)
    p = 0
    i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 2)
    call pspecies_distribute(spec(2), t0_pl(2), unit_charge(2), p, 2, &
                             i2, ip_ion)
    if (np1 > 0.0) then
     p = ip_el
     i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 3)
     call pspecies_distribute(spec(1), t0_pl(1), unit_charge(1), p, 3, &
                              i2, ip_el)
     p = ip_ion
     i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 4)
     call pspecies_distribute(spec(2), t0_pl(2), unit_charge(2), p, 4, &
                              i2, ip_ion)
    end if
   end if
   ! The second electron-ion solid layer with Z1 A1 ion element
   if (nxl(4) > 0) then
    p = ip_el
    i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 5)
    call pspecies_distribute(spec(1), t0_pl(1), unit_charge(1), p, 5, &
                             i2, ip_el)
    p = ip_ion
    i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 6)
    call pspecies_distribute(spec(2), t0_pl(2), unit_charge(2), p, 6, &
                             i2, ip_ion)
   end if
   ! The contaminant electron-ion solid layer Z3=proton ion element
   if (nxl(5) > 0) then
    p = ip_el
    i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 7)
    call pspecies_distribute(spec(1), t0_pl(1), unit_charge(1), p, 7, &
                             i2, ip_el)

    p = 0
    i2 = loc_imax(imodx, 8)
    call pspecies_distribute(spec(nsp), t0_pl(nsp), unit_charge(nsp), p, &
                             8, i2, ip_ion)
   end if
   do ic = 1, nsp
    loc_npart(imody, imodz, imodx, ic) = nps_loc(ic)
   end do

  end subroutine
  subroutine one_layer_nano_tubes(nyh_in, xf0)

   integer, intent(in) :: nyh_in
   real(dp), intent(in) :: xf0
   integer :: p
   integer :: i, j, i1, i2, ic, k1, k2
   integer :: np_per_zcell(2), n_peak, ntubes
   integer :: npty_ne, nptz_ne
   integer :: npmax, nps_loc(2)
   real(dp) :: uu, dpy, dlpy, rat
   real(dp) :: zp_min, zp_max, yp_min, yp_max, xp_min, xp_max
   real(dp) :: loc_ym, loc_ymx, loc_zm, loc_zmx
   real(dp) :: xfsh, r_int, r_ext, ffactor
   integer :: nxl(5), npt_nano(4)
   integer :: nlpy
   integer :: npty_layer(2), nptz_layer(2)
   real(dp), allocatable :: wy(:, :), wz(:, :), wyz(:, :, :)
   real(dp), allocatable :: yc(:), ypt_nano(:, :), zpt_nano(:, :)
   real(dp), allocatable :: locy_nano(:, :), locz_nano(:, :)
   xp_min = xmin
   xp_max = xmax
   np_per_zcell(1:2) = 1
   nxl = 0
   !========= gridding the transverese target size
   yp_min = ymin_t
   yp_max = ymax_t
   ! Geometry |--s/2--|======v=====|---s/2--|
   ! total size L=s+v=s*(1+v/s)=s(1+rat)
   ! Filling factor f=(1-(v/L)^2)
   ! Two-species Electrons + Z ions

   npty = maxval(np_per_yc(1:2))
   npty = nyh_in*npty !particles number in 3 nlpy slabs
   nptz = 1
   if (ndim == 3) then
    np_per_zcell(1:2) = np_per_zc(1:2)
    zp_min = yp_min !-Lz
    zp_max = yp_max !+Lz
    nptz = maxval(np_per_zc(1:6))
    nptz = nyh_in*nptz
   end if
   allocate (ypt(npty, 2))
   allocate (wy(npty, 2))
   allocate (zpt(nptz, 2))
   allocate (wz(nptz, 2))
   wy = 1.
   wz = 1.
   allocate (loc_jmax(0:npe_yloc - 1, 1:2))
   allocate (loc_kmax(0:npe_zloc - 1, 1:2))
   ! Uniform yp grid of size npty_ne
   do ic = 1, 2
    npty_ne = nyh_in*np_per_yc(ic) !number of yp points in 2*ymax size
    dpy = (yp_max - yp_min)/real(npty_ne, dp)
    do i = 1, npty_ne
     ypt(i, ic) = yp_min + dpy*(real(i, dp) - 0.5)
    end do
    npty_layer(ic) = npty_ne
    nptz_layer(ic) = 1
    if (ndim == 3) then
     i2 = npty_ne
     zpt(1:i2, ic) = ypt(1:i2, ic)
     wz(1:i2, ic) = wy(1:i2, ic)
     nptz_layer(ic) = i2
    end if
    call set_pgrid_ind(npty_layer(ic), nptz_layer(ic), ic)
   end do
   ! Layer lpx(3) for nanotubes lpx(4) for target
   xtot = 0.0
   do i = 3, 4
    nxl(i) = nint(dx_inv*lpx(i))
    lpx(i) = nxl(i)*dx
    xtot = xtot + lpx(i)
   end do
   xfsh = xf0 + lpx(7)
   targ_in = xfsh
   targ_end = targ_in + xtot
   ! Only layers 3 and 4 in x
   loc_nptx(1:2) = nxl(3)*np_per_xc(1:2)
   loc_nptx(3:4) = nxl(4)*np_per_xc(3:4)
   nptx_max = maxval(loc_nptx(1:4))

   allocate (xpt(nptx_max, nsp))
   allocate (loc_xpt(nptx_max, nsp))
   allocate (wghpt(nptx_max, nsp))
   ! Uses the yp,zp=yp for ic=1,2 uniform p-grid
   ! to select a three-layer array of circular nanotubes
   dlpy = lpy(1) !2*dr  lpy(2)=2*r_int
   nlpy = nint(dy_inv*dlpy) ! cell numbers in [dlpy layer]
   rat = lpy(2)/dlpy
   r_int = 0.5*lpy(2)
   r_ext = r_int + 0.5*dlpy

   uu = (yp_max - yp_min - 0.5*dlpy)/(lpy(2) + 1.5*dlpy)
   ntubes = nint(uu)
   allocate (yc(ntubes))
   yc(1) = yp_min + 0.5*dlpy + r_ext
   do ic = 2, ntubes
    yc(ic) = yc(ic - 1) + lpy(2) + 1.5*dlpy
   end do
   !========= filling factor
   ffactor = acos(-1.)*(r_ext*r_ext - r_int*r_int)/(lpy(2) + 1.5*dlpy)**2
   do ic = 1, 2
    npty_ne = nyh_in*np_per_yc(ic) !number of yp points in Ly=2*ymax size
    nptz_ne = nyh_in*np_per_zc(ic) !number of zp points in Lz=2*zmax size
    npt_nano(ic) = 0
    do k1 = 1, ntubes
     do k2 = 1, ntubes
      do i = 1, nptz_ne
       do j = 1, npty_ne
        dpy = sqrt((ypt(j, ic) - yc(k2))**2 + (zpt(i, ic) - yc(k1))**2)
        if (dpy >= r_int .and. dpy < r_ext) npt_nano(ic) = npt_nano(ic) + 1
       end do
      end do
     end do
    end do
   end do
   ! npt_nano(ic) nanotubes section
   npty_ne = npt_nano(1)
   allocate (ypt_nano(npty_ne, nsp), zpt_nano(npty_ne, nsp))
   loc_ym = loc_ygrid(imody)%gmin
   loc_ymx = loc_ygrid(imody)%gmax
   loc_zm = loc_zgrid(imodz)%gmin
   loc_zmx = loc_zgrid(imodz)%gmax
   do ic = 1, 2
    npty_ne = nyh_in*np_per_yc(ic) !number of yp points in 2*ymax size
    nptz_ne = nyh_in*np_per_zc(ic) !number of yp points in 2*ymax size
    i2 = 0
    do k1 = 1, ntubes
     do k2 = 1, ntubes
      do i = 1, nptz_ne
       do j = 1, npty_ne
        dpy = sqrt((ypt(j, ic) - yc(k2))**2 + (zpt(i, ic) - yc(k1))**2)
        if (dpy >= r_int .and. dpy < r_ext) then
         i2 = i2 + 1
         ypt_nano(i2, ic) = ypt(j, ic)
         zpt_nano(i2, ic) = zpt(i, ic)
        end if
       end do
      end do
     end do
    end do
    loc_npty(ic) = 0
    do i = 1, i2
     uu = ypt_nano(i, ic)
     if (uu >= loc_ym .and. uu < loc_ymx) then
      uu = zpt_nano(i, ic)
      if (uu >= loc_zm .and. uu < loc_zmx) loc_npty(ic) = loc_npty(ic) + 1
     end if
    end do
   end do
   npty_ne = loc_npty(1)
   nptz_ne = npty_ne
   if (npty_ne > 0) then
    allocate (locy_nano(npty_ne, 2))
    allocate (locz_nano(nptz_ne, 2))
   end if
   !========== Nanotubes layer
   do ic = 1, 2
    if (loc_nptx(ic) > 0) then
     k1 = 0
     do i = 1, npt_nano(ic)
      uu = ypt_nano(i, ic)
      if (uu >= loc_ym .and. uu < loc_ymx) then
       uu = zpt_nano(i, ic)
       if (uu >= loc_zm .and. uu < loc_zmx) then
        k1 = k1 + 1
        locy_nano(k1, ic) = ypt_nano(i, ic)
        locz_nano(k1, ic) = zpt_nano(i, ic)
       end if
      end if
     end do
     loc_npty(ic) = k1
    end if
   end do
   !============================ Flat target
   loc_npty(1:nsp) = loc_jmax(imody, 1:nsp)
   loc_nptz(1:nsp) = loc_kmax(imodz, 1:nsp)
   npty_ne = 1
   nptz_ne = 1
   npty_ne = maxval(loc_npty(1:nsp))
   nptz_ne = maxval(loc_nptz(1:nsp))
   allocate (loc_wghyz(npty_ne, nptz_ne, nsp))
   allocate (loc_ypt(npty_ne, nsp))
   allocate (loc_zpt(nptz_ne, nsp))
   loc_wghyz = 1.
   !============================ Uniform target
   call mpi_yz_part_distrib(2, loc_npty, loc_nptz, npty_layer, &
                            nptz_layer, ymin_t, zmin_t, wyz)
   nptx(1:nsp) = 0
   do ic = 1, nsp
    i1 = nptx(ic)
    n_peak = nxl(3)*np_per_xc(ic)
    do i = 1, n_peak
     i1 = i1 + 1
     uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
     xpt(i1, ic) = xfsh + lpx(3)*uu
     wghpt(i1, ic) = j0_norm
     if (ic == 2) wghpt(i1, ic) = wghpt(i1, ic)*wgh_ion
     loc_xpt(i1, ic) = xpt(i1, ic)
    end do
    nptx(ic) = i1
   end do
   xfsh = xfsh + lpx(3)
   if (nxl(4) > 0) then !a bulk
    do ic = 1, nsp
     i1 = nptx(ic)
     n_peak = nxl(4)*np_per_xc(ic)
     do i = 1, n_peak
      i1 = i1 + 1
      uu = (real(i, dp) - 0.5)/real(n_peak, dp)
      xpt(i1, ic) = xfsh + lpx(4)*uu
      wghpt(i1, ic) = j0_norm
      loc_xpt(i, ic) = xpt(i1, ic)
     end do
     nptx(ic) = i1
    end do
    xfsh = xfsh + lpx(4)
   end if
   !=================== on index ic=2 are ions with charge Z_i=npc_e/npc_i
   do ic = 1, nsp
    j = nptx(ic)
    if (xpt(j, ic) > xmax) then
     p = 0
     do i = 1, nptx_max
      if (xpt(i, ic) <= xmax) p = i !inside the box xpt[1:nptx(ic)]
     end do
     nptx(ic) = p
    end if
   end do
   !============ count partuckes of nano-tubes
   do ic = 1, nsp
    nps_loc(ic) = 0
    i2 = loc_nptx(ic)
    do k1 = 1, loc_npty(ic)
     do i = 1, i2
      nps_loc(ic) = nps_loc(ic) + 1
     end do
    end do
    if (nptx(ic) > i2) then
     do i1 = 1, loc_kmax(imodz, ic)
      do k1 = 1, loc_jmax(imody, ic)
       do i = i2 + 1, nptx(ic)
        nps_loc(ic) = nps_loc(ic) + 1
       end do
      end do
     end do
    end if
   end do
   loc_npart(imody, imodz, imodx, 1:nsp) = nps_loc(1:nsp)
   npmax = maxval(nps_loc(1:nsp))
   npmax = max(npmax, 1)
   call p_alloc(npmax, nd2 + 1, nps_loc, nsp, lpf_ord, 1, 1, mem_psize)
   call init_random_seed(mype)
   do ic = 1, nsp
    i2 = loc_nptx(ic)
    charge = int(unit_charge(ic))
    p = 0
    do k1 = 1, loc_npty(ic)
     do i = 1, i2
      wgh = real(wghpt(i, ic), sp)
      p = p + 1
      spec(ic)%part(p, 1) = xpt(i, ic)
      spec(ic)%part(p, 2) = locy_nano(k1, ic)
      spec(ic)%part(p, 3) = locz_nano(k1, ic)
      call gasdev(uu)
      spec(ic)%part(p, 4) = t0_pl(ic)*uu
      call gasdev(uu)
      spec(ic)%part(p, 5) = t0_pl(ic)*uu
      call gasdev(uu)
      spec(ic)%part(p, 6) = t0_pl(ic)*uu
      spec(ic)%part(p, 7) = wgh_cmp
     end do
    end do
    if (nptx(ic) > loc_nptx(ic)) then
     i2 = nptx(ic) + 1 - loc_nptx(ic)
     call pspecies_distribute(spec(ic), t0_pl(ic), unit_charge(ic), p, &
                              ic, i2, i1)
    end if
   end do
  end subroutine
  subroutine part_distribute(id, xf0)
   integer, intent(in) :: id
   real(dp), intent(in) :: xf0
   integer :: ip, pp, l, p
   integer :: tot_nploc(npe)
   if (wake) then
    !nps_run =1
    !if nsp > 1 ions active only for ionization
    call multi_layer_gas_target(id, ny_targ, xf0)
    !model id=1
    !lpx(1) first plateau np1 density
    !ramp lpx(2)+ plateau lpx(3) + downramp lpx(4)] density 1
    !lpx(5) last plateau np2 density
    !all densities normalized to n_0=n_over_nc
    !model id=2  target with two central plateau (for shocked gas-jet)
    !lpx(1) first ramp up to lpx(2) first plateau at density np1
    !lpx(3) downramp to
    !lpx(4) second plateau density np2 and to final downramp lpx(5)
    !n_0=n_over_nc can be an average, or n0_=n1_over_nc or n0_=n2_over_nc
    !Multispecies implementation
    ! target in models id=1 and id=2 contain (implicitely) an ion species id_sp=1
    !as a neutralizing background. If ionization is on, nsp=2 and ionizing species
    !is loaded and activated for ionization.
    !model id=3 as id=2, with two ion species, one as local dopant and the other
    !as a neutralizing background:
    ! layer(1) + layer(2) only electrons and H+ with ne=n0=n_over_nc
    ! layer(3) is a plateau with an added dopant (A1,Z1) with density
    ! np1=n1_over_n/n0 (few %)
    ! layer(4)+layer(5) as layer(1)+layer(2)
    !flag id=1,2 allowed not even implemented
    select case (id)
    case (3)
     call preplasma_multisp(ny_targ, xf0)
     ! (e+Z1) preplasma and central target
     !+ (e+Z2)coating
    case (4)
     call multi_layer_twosp_target(ny_targ, xf0)
     !(e+Z2) foam
     !(e+Z1) central layer
     !============warning exponential ramp (in layer 2) always using (e+Z1) species
    case (5)
     call multi_layer_threesp_target(ny_targ, xf0)
     !(e+Z3) coating
     !(e+Z1+Z2) central multispecies layer with lpx(2) preplasma
     !+ (e+Z3)coating
    case (6)
     call one_layer_nano_wires(ny_targ, xf0)
     !e+Z1 wires, e+Z2 bulk. interwire low density (e+Z1) plasma allowed
    case (7)
     call one_layer_nano_tubes(ny_targ, xf0)
    end select
   end if
   !===================Data for all models===============
   tot_nploc = 0
   pp = 0
   do p = 0, npe_xloc - 1
    do ip = 0, npe_zloc - 1
     do l = 0, npe_yloc - 1
      pp = pp + 1
      tot_nploc(pp) = sum(loc_npart(l, ip, p, 1:nsp))
     end do
    end do
   end do
   np_max = maxval(tot_nploc(1:npe))
   np_min = minval(tot_nploc(1:npe))
   do ip = 1, npe
    if (tot_nploc(ip) == np_max) pe_npmax = ip - 1
    if (tot_nploc(ip) == np_min) pe_npmin = ip - 1
   end do
  end subroutine
  subroutine clean_field(ef, lp1, i1, j1, j2, k1, k2, nc)
   real(dp), intent(inout) :: ef(:, :, :, :)
   real(dp), intent(in) :: lp1
   integer, intent(in) :: i1, j1, j2, k1, k2, nc
   integer :: ilp, i, j, k, ic

   ilp = int(dx_inv*lp1)
   do ic = 1, nc
    do k = k1, k2
     do j = j1, j2
      do i = i1, ilp
       ef(i, j, k, ic) = 0.0
      end do
     end do
    end do
   end do
  end subroutine
 end module