init_laser_field.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~init_laser_field.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~init_laser_field.f90 init_laser_field.f90 sourcefile~init_grid_fields.f90 init_grid_fields.f90 sourcefile~init_laser_field.f90->sourcefile~init_grid_fields.f90 sourcefile~pstruct_data.f90 pstruct_data.f90 sourcefile~init_laser_field.f90->sourcefile~pstruct_data.f90 sourcefile~grid_fields.f90 grid_fields.f90 sourcefile~init_laser_field.f90->sourcefile~grid_fields.f90 sourcefile~fstruct_data.f90 fstruct_data.f90 sourcefile~init_laser_field.f90->sourcefile~fstruct_data.f90 sourcefile~init_grid_fields.f90->sourcefile~pstruct_data.f90 sourcefile~init_grid_fields.f90->sourcefile~fstruct_data.f90 sourcefile~grid_field_param.f90 grid_field_param.f90 sourcefile~init_grid_fields.f90->sourcefile~grid_field_param.f90 sourcefile~phys_param.f90 phys_param.f90 sourcefile~init_grid_fields.f90->sourcefile~phys_param.f90 sourcefile~struct_def.f90 struct_def.f90 sourcefile~pstruct_data.f90->sourcefile~struct_def.f90 sourcefile~precision_def.f90 precision_def.F90 sourcefile~pstruct_data.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~grid_fields.f90->sourcefile~grid_field_param.f90 sourcefile~parallel.f90 parallel.F90 sourcefile~grid_fields.f90->sourcefile~parallel.f90 sourcefile~fstruct_data.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~struct_def.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~common_param.f90 common_param.f90 sourcefile~grid_field_param.f90->sourcefile~common_param.f90 sourcefile~mpi_var.f90 mpi_var.f90 sourcefile~grid_field_param.f90->sourcefile~mpi_var.f90 sourcefile~grid_param.f90 grid_param.f90 sourcefile~grid_field_param.f90->sourcefile~grid_param.f90 sourcefile~parallel.f90->sourcefile~common_param.f90 sourcefile~parallel.f90->sourcefile~mpi_var.f90 sourcefile~util.f90 util.f90 sourcefile~parallel.f90->sourcefile~util.f90 sourcefile~phys_param.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~common_param.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~mpi_var.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~util.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~code_util.f90 code_util.f90 sourcefile~util.f90->sourcefile~code_util.f90 sourcefile~grid_param.f90->sourcefile~struct_def.f90 sourcefile~grid_param.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90 sourcefile~code_util.f90->sourcefile~precision_def.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~init_laser_field.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~init_laser_field.f90 init_laser_field.f90 sourcefile~pic_in.f90 pic_in.f90 sourcefile~pic_in.f90->sourcefile~init_laser_field.f90 sourcefile~start_all.f90 start_all.F90 sourcefile~start_all.f90->sourcefile~pic_in.f90 sourcefile~aladyn.f90 ALaDyn.F90 sourcefile~aladyn.f90->sourcefile~start_all.f90


Source Code

Source Code

!                            Copyright 2008-2020  The ALaDyn Collaboration                            !

!  This file is part of ALaDyn.                                                                       !
!                                                                                                     !
!  ALaDyn is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify                                     !
!  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by                               !
!  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or                                  !
!  (at your option) any later version.                                                                !
!                                                                                                     !
!  ALaDyn is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                                          !
!  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                                     !
!  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the                                      !
!  GNU General Public License for more details.                                                       !
!                                                                                                     !
!  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License                                  !
!  along with ALaDyn.  If not, see <>.                                    !

 module init_laser_field

  use pstruct_data
  use fstruct_data
  use init_grid_field
  use grid_fields, only: env_bds

  implicit none


  subroutine lp_pulse(lp_mod, part_in)

   integer, intent(in) :: lp_mod
   real(dp), intent(out) :: part_in
   integer :: ic, lp_ind, i1, i2
   real(dp) :: angle, shx_lp, sigm, eps, xm, tt, tau, tau1
   ! field grid index defined on set_pgrid

   i1 = loc_xgrid(imodx)%p_ind(1)
   i2 = loc_xgrid(imodx)%p_ind(2)
   xm = loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmin ! => field index i1
   tt = 0.0
   if (g_prof) then
    tau = w0_x*sqrt(2.)
    tau1 = w1_x*sqrt(2.)
    tau = 0.5*w0_x !cos^2() profile_
    tau1 = 0.5*w1_x !cos^2() profile_
   end if
   lp_amp = oml*a0
   lp1_amp = om1*a1
   lp_in(1) = xc_lp - tau
   lp_end(1) = xc_lp + tau
   eps = 1./(oml*w0_y)
   sigm = lam0/w0_x
   angle = incid_angle
   xf = xc_lp + t0_lp
   lp_ind = lp_mod
   shx_lp = 0.0
   xc_loc(1) = xc_lp
   xf_loc(1) = xf
   if (plane_wave) lp_ind = 0
   if (angle > 0.0) then
    shx_lp = lpx(7)
    call init_lp_fields(ebf, lp_amp, tt, t0_lp, w0_x, w0_y, xf, oml, &
                        angle, shx_lp, lp_ind, i1, i2, y0_cent(1), z0_cent(1))
   else !normal incidence
    call init_lp_inc0_fields(ebf, lp_amp, tt, t0_lp, w0_x, w0_y, xf, &
                             oml, lp_ind, i1, i2, y0_cent(1), z0_cent(1))
   end if
   if (nb_laser > 1) then
    do ic = 2, nb_laser
     lp_in(ic) = lp_in(ic - 1) - lp_delay(ic - 1)
     lp_end(ic) = lp_end(ic - 1) - lp_delay(ic - 1)
     xc_loc(ic) = xc_loc(ic - 1) - lp_delay(ic - 1)
     xf_loc(ic) = xc_loc(ic) + t0_lp
     call init_lp_inc0_fields(ebf, lp_amp, tt, t0_lp, &
                              w0_x, w0_y, xf_loc(ic), oml, lp_ind, i1, i2, y0_cent(ic), &
    end do
   end if
   if (Two_color) then
    xc1_lp = xc_loc(nb_laser) - lp_offset
    xf1 = xc1_lp + t1_lp

    lp_ionz_in = xc1_lp - tau1
    lp_ionz_end = xc1_lp + tau1
    call init_lp_inc0_fields(ebf, lp1_amp, tt, t1_lp, w1_x, w1_y, xf1, &
                             om1, lp_ind, i1, i2, y1_cent, z1_cent)
    if (pe0) write (6, '(a30,e11.4)') 'two-color activated at xc1_lp=', &
   end if

   part_in = lp_end(1) + lpx(7)
  end subroutine
  subroutine cp_pulse(cp_mod, part_in)

   real(dp), intent(out) :: part_in
   integer, intent(in) :: cp_mod
   integer :: i1, i2, cp_ind
   real(dp) :: angle, shx_cp, eps, sigm, xm, tau, tt

   lp_amp = oml*a0/sqrt(2.)
   i1 = loc_xgrid(imodx)%p_ind(1)
   i2 = loc_xgrid(imodx)%p_ind(2)
   xm = loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmin ! => field index i1
   tt = 0.0
   tau = 0.5*w0_x
   lp_in(1) = xc_lp - tau !Pulse centroid xc_lp=xf-ts at time t=0 lp_in=xc-tau
   lp_end(1) = lp_in(1) + w0_x
   eps = 1./(oml*w0_y)
   sigm = lam0/w0_x
   angle = incid_angle
   xf = xc_lp + t0_lp
   shx_cp = 0.0
   if (angle > 0.0) shx_cp = lpx(7)
   if (lp_amp > 0.0) then
    cp_ind = cp_mod
    if (plane_wave) cp_ind = 0
    call init_cp_fields(ebf, lp_amp, tt, t0_lp, w0_x, w0_y, xf, angle, &
                        shx_cp, cp_ind, i1, i2)
    !=================def part distr points
    lp_end = xm
   end if
   part_in = lp_end(1) + lpx(7)
  end subroutine
  subroutine set_envelope(part_in)

   real(dp), intent(out) :: part_in
   integer :: ic, pw_ind, i1, i2, j1, k1
   real(dp) :: eps, sigm, xm, tt, tau, tau1, loc_delay(3)
   integer :: str, stl

   lp_amp = a0
   lp1_amp = a1
   ! field grid index defined on set_pgrid

   j1 = jy1
   k1 = kz1
   i1 = ix1
   i2 = nxp
   xm = loc_xgrid(imodx)%gmin
   tt = 0.0
   pw_ind = 1
   if (plane_wave) pw_ind = 0
   if (g_prof) then
    tau = w0_x*sqrt(2.)
    tau1 = w1_x*sqrt(2.)
    tau = 0.5*w0_x !cos^2() profile_
    tau1 = 0.5*w1_x !cos^2() profile_
   end if
   lp_in(1) = xc_lp - tau
   lp_end(1) = xc_lp + tau
   eps = 1./(oml*w0_y)
   sigm = lam0/w0_x
   xf = xc_lp + t0_lp
   xc_loc(1) = xc_lp
   xf_loc(1) = xf
   env(:, :, :, :) = 0.0
   if (g_prof) then
    call init_gprof_envelope_field(env, a0, tt, t0_lp, w0_x, w0_y, &
                                   xf, oml, pw_ind, i1, i2, y0_cent(1), z0_cent(1))
    call init_envelope_field(env, a0, tt, t0_lp, w0_x, w0_y, xf, &
                             oml, pw_ind, i1, i2, y0_cent(1), z0_cent(1))
    !call init_env_filtering(env,i1,i2,j1,nyp,k1,nzp)
   end if
   if (nb_laser > 1) then
    do ic = 2, nb_laser
     lp_in(ic) = lp_in(ic - 1) - lp_delay(ic - 1)
     lp_end(ic) = lp_end(ic - 1) - lp_delay(ic - 1)
     xc_loc(ic) = xc_loc(ic - 1) - lp_delay(ic - 1)
     xf_loc(ic) = xc_loc(ic) + t0_lp
     if (lp_end(ic) > xm) then
      if (g_prof) then
       call init_gprof_envelope_field(env, a0, tt, t0_lp, w0_x, &
                                      w0_y, xf_loc(ic), oml, pw_ind, i1, i2, y0_cent(ic), &
       call init_envelope_field(env, a0, tt, t0_lp, w0_x, w0_y, &
                                xf_loc(ic), oml, pw_ind, i1, i2, y0_cent(ic), z0_cent(ic))
      end if
     end if
    end do
   end if
   if (lpf_ord == 4) then !set initial first derivative
    env(i1:i2, j1:nyp, k1:nzp, 3:4) = (env(i1:i2, j1:nyp, k1:nzp, 1:2) - env( &
                                       i1:i2, j1:nyp, k1:nzp, 3:4))/dt
   end if
   if (Two_color) then
    env1(:, :, :, :) = 0.0
    xc1_lp = xc_loc(nb_laser) - lp_offset
    xf1 = xc1_lp + t1_lp

    lp_ionz_in = xc1_lp - tau1
    lp_ionz_end = xc1_lp + tau1
    if (lp_ionz_end > xm) then
     if (g_prof) then
      call init_gprof_envelope_field(env1, a1, tt, t1_lp, w1_x, &
                                     w1_y, xf1, om1, pw_ind, i1, i2, y1_cent, z1_cent)
      call init_envelope_field(env1, a1, tt, t1_lp, w1_x, w1_y, xf1, &
                               om1, pw_ind, i1, i2, y1_cent, z1_cent)
     end if
    end if
   end if

   ebf = 0.0
   if (pe0) then
    open (26, file='Initial_env_info.dat')
    write (26, *) 'number ', nb_laser, 'LP envelope injected '
    write (26, *) ' First pulse parameters'
    write (26, '(a21,e11.4)') ' Focal x-position xf=', xf
    write (26, '(a21,e11.4)') ' Centr x-position xc=', xc_lp
    write (26, '(a20,e11.4)') ' Size (microns) lx=', w0_x
    write (26, '(a14,e11.4)') ' FWHM (fs) lx=', tau_fwhm
    write (26, '(a19,e11.4)') ' Waist(microns) ly=', w0_y
    write (26, '(a17,e11.4)') ' FWHM(microns) = ', lp_rad
    if (nb_laser > 1) write (26, '(a21,3e11.4)') ' Delay among pulses= ', &
    if (Two_color) then
     write (26, *) ' Injection pulse parameters'
     write (26, '(a16,e11.4)') ' amplitude  a1 =', a1
     write (26, '(a21,e11.4)') ' Focal x-position xf=', xf1
     write (26, '(a21,e11.4)') ' Centr x-position xc=', xc1_lp
     write (26, '(a20,e11.4)') ' Size (microns) lx=', w1_x
     write (26, '(a19,e11.4)') ' Waist(microns) ly=', w1_y
    end if
    close (26)
   end if
   part_in = lp_end(1) + lpx(7)
   !=================def part distr points
  end subroutine

 end module